
It depends on the state. You can choose which primary you want to vote for in my state. On a related note Sanders won.

Same with a friend of mine who was abused by his at the time stepfather. His mom left the guy after the abuse got violent, but even then when he later disclosed the sexual abuse her initial reaction was that he must be lying.

Great reporting and thank you. This isn’t even the first story of MSU dealing with women’s assault issues that dragged on unnecessarily *in the past few months*.

There are plenty more hungry you don’t see. My partner and I had a good budget for a few months, 4 or so, that was literally the money I made donating plasma (thank you Aldi and Mark Bittman’s no knead bread - and the plasma center which was clean, decent, wifi, etc... I was often sitting next to a teacher grading

Side note: holy crap I love that phrase.

In SW, Indiana drivers would be worse during the day. Illinois would be worse at night (2nd homers from Chicago who didn’t really give a damn about drinking and driving)

You magnificent bastard, I salute you!


I almost got T Boned by a cop in Ithaca who didn’t have sirens on rushing up a hill (so couldn’t see his or her lights from my side). That was fun!

I also drove an hour to Kalamazoo for stuff like office supplies rather than cross the border into South Bend after two trips there. That bad.

Nope. SW Michigan is far, far worse.

That exit is indeed one of the 99%.

Um, yeah. When they’re trying to get to the next exit like 2 seconds faster.

Ha! 14 east is my childhood home. Mom’s friend flipped an SUV on the west exit once.

Yeah, I didn’t hear about this til after the fact, and my partner works in a business that declared itself a sanctuary/safe space. Was it just not spread beyond major cities, or only with certain groups of folks, or purposefully kept quiet, or what?

You don’t have to be a union activist to know that. #notallsmallbusinessowners , but a side job owner’s business partner just sent us an email this week asking why us as employees were so unproductive. Well, truth be told it’s because of the owner and I’m amazed we get done what we do considering the time spent

Well said. Cheers mate.

I can honestly say after hours upon hours of late night driving listening to World Report on NPR, bless the BBC reporters who have no fucking tolerance for bullshit and won’t let it just pass by. Not looking forward to their budget getting slashed further either.

CBC, but out of context I assume Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. However, in context, duh.

As someone of non Jewish ancestry whose family was also targeted by the Nazis... Fuck anyone who doesn’t mention Jewish victims when speaking of the Holocaust. Full stop. Silence speaks volumes.