
I once had a work van break down, a full hour and a half from our office, at the end of a long day in the field. We had to kill 2 hours at a CVS waiting for two cars to pick the lot of us up, and then AAA. I think that’s exactly as long as we lasted until we gave up and sat/laid out on the carpet around the arm

I feel a lot more fucking depressed and hopeless now than I did during the campaign, oddly fucking enough.

No, they don’t. Actions speak louder than words and you helped get someone who is a very real threat to your LGBT, minority, and “marginalized” friends. Good fucking job. I voted, donated, and volunteered for Sanders. Do you know what he said when he returned to my town post primary? Vote. For. Clinton. Full

Go banana!

Ha, starred cause it’s true.

Tigers and Red Wings never left and to a person everyone I know I who lives in Detroit hates this shit, especially those who live near the old Tiger Stadium.

The other night, I asked my boyfriend to pick up something withchocolate in it cause I was overworked and in a. shitty mood. He got TWO pints of fancy ice cream because he is awesome. We only ate about 60% of a pint each, though.

Holy crap that’s awesome. How the hell is that not a thing still?

... other than whatever the hell the Pistons were doing in the 90s, Detroit’s former prominence means our old school teams generally have classic awesome.

Holy crap what is that?

ONLY because hair. But yeah you do

So, so true.

Required practice = work study seems like a pretty fair idea, actually. Not like most student athletes have time available to do that, revenue generating sports or not.

It’s called kinseology at my alma mater.

I’m in Michigan, and yeah, at least the deadbolt lock on my house didn’t effing freeze shut this year, and I didn’t get stuck and have to call AAA because I was stuck in the ice at the end of my own driveway. That was fun.

Nope - at the party store.


My Polish grandma who was subjected to forced labor under the Nazis didn’t blame the fucking Jewish people. She didn’t even blame all Germans (she had no objection to my Mom marrying my half German dad, though Grandpa did leave between World Wars). She did consider herself “lucky” that she made it through and the

Agreed. Also PolishSlavAryan fucker can die in a fire. Short term memory assholes.

Dunno, I did so this week when my jackass Governor posted something about respecting all people in this heated time and listed LGBT folks on that list. My taxpayer dollars went in part to his fucking administration fighting gay marriage to the Supreme Court and losing (at least 1.9 million from the settlement, not