
It was happening recently. My ex sister-in-law's grandmother was put into a local asylum (which closed late 80's/early 90's) for postnatal depression and left there until she died about 30 years later, not long before the asylum closed. She was put in there after she found out about her husband's extra-marital affair,

I'm taking a Neuropsychology class and it says that historically, people who had symptoms of Tourette's syndrome were diagnosed with "hysteria" and locked away.

Oh also if you're interested, Ruth Goodman's "How to live like a Victorian" has a big section on the history of hospitals in London.

The locking up of women wasn't solely a Victorian issue.

There are plenty of cases like that, though there were measures taken in 1763 to curb men dropping off their wives. These asylums were for-profit, with fees 20# to 60# a year, which determined the quarters, meals, and living conditions for the inmates. It was a

alternately: SINISTER

You're basing this off the Post which is basing it off 'a source' with no real details or evidence.

Condé Nast told the Postthat Lee wasn't working for them any longer, but wouldn't say anything about why she left – there's no information about whether she actually stole the money or how much it was or (more importantly) how she did so.

A little at a time. The best way to steal a million dollars is to take a dollar each from a million people. Just fiddle the accounts—hundred here, hundred there—they look like minor bookkeeping errors and voila!*


I love that they take turns being Kim or Kanye!

This girl NAILED his facial expressions.

I love this!! Partly because me and my boyfriend recreated the Kimye elevator picture and it was the most hilarious thing and also for their facial expressions. They have those faces down. #nodisrespecttobenaffleck

I saw Gloria Steinem speak last week and, in light of Halloween, she was really adamant that we go and learn the truth about witches and who they were and what happened to them. So this was a fascinating and timely read for me. Thanks!

And for the record, Batman is the worst. Dude is Ayn Rand's wet dream in a cape. He's probably a racist. He's the guy dick-swinging NYPD beat cops think they'd be if the damn SYSTEM would just get off their back.

Batman is not a super hero. Batman is a rich guy with a really weird hobby.

Batman is the worst superhero of them all. He's like David Koch with a violence fetish.

Typical Gawker commies listing Superman last. You won't be getting my page clicks anymore.