
Yes of course and thank you! I want everyone to know about this giant octopus thing. I think it's a game-changer.

Shared to BT ok?

Yes I am the author of Twilights 1,2,5 and part of 8 but only the good parts, which include the part where Eddard eats a poison blood and dies of botulism-rabies (a new disease, it is the hip illness for the teen demographic these days) and also the part where Bella through an elaborate series of time travel

some guy named William Tell... The theme was "apples."

You guys, I really love Lauren Conrad. I know she's kind of aggressively boring, but I am inexplicably drawn to her. I might shame-buy Us Weekly just to look at the photos. :-(

Who's fedora guy?

I would never, ever take my cat outside in New York City in anything other than a carrier. I am getting anxiety just looking at these pictures.

Why she doesn't have a male cat named Elliot Stabler is beyond me.

I am deeply honored that your first comment on Kinja is one that mentions my name.

So what happens to all of us super angry disappointed people who can't get a Barbie who says "What the fuck?"

I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.

But, for a disease that afflicts about 24 million people, and that starts before they start breeding. There should be an evolutionary pressure keeping it in the human genome.

I mean, Susan Miller's story is the kind that makes people not believe women when they complain about fibromyalgia or migraines. And frankly, the more Susan stories you read, the LESS anything she says about her real life is believable because she is clearly looney-fucking-tunes. I love her horoscopes so much and I'm

Her mom was actually the one doing and writing the scopes, not Susan. That is why since her mother died back in 2012, Susan Miller finally appears as what she truly is: a total mess.

A good friend of mine is in a relationship with someone who has physically abused her more than once over the course of 6 years. He has multiple run-ins withe the police and a record to match. In May of 2013 she finally kicked him out and it seemed like she could finally relax. No more fighting, no more scratches