
Me too! Except I'm 25, so it also makes me a touch jealous. :)

Did they say anything about these plants growing indefinitely? This is simply a way to get more out of the veggies you buy. And it works. I use this method all the time and usually get 3-4 uses out of a veggie that I otherwise would have thrown away after the initial use. Calm down.

I keep embarrassing myself by attempting to employ even a fraction of your eloquence in applauding this piece. So I'm just gonna stop. This is fucking brilliant.

I had the same fears you did - I saw the stripper in the opening credits, then the murder victim and was ready to bail. There are a few gratuitous female nudity shots and it IS a very male-centric show. But the female characters feel like real people and the show doesn't dwell on grisly naked dead women or torture

I grew up out in the country in Georgia and have dozens of relatives and their friends that still live there that proudly wear confederate battle flags, have bumper stickers or the like - and all of them claim they are "celebrating heritage" and "aren't racist".

"Being proud of your Southern heritage does not mean that you are racist or condone slavery."

We know what the Confederacy stood for and we went to a great deal of trouble to defeat that. Try as they might, the contemporary South can not divorce the Confederacy from its legacy of slavery. This is not something to be proud of.

Amen. And if she would stop inserting herself and her personal anecdotes into EVERY SINGLE STORY she covers, and if she would stop talking about herself and her family, maybe she'd feel a little better. She might still get death threats, but when you give these assholes personal information about your life that they

Well, it's dark, and Det. Cohle's worldview is about as nihilistic as it gets. But I believe there's some redemption in the works, or at least the main characters doing the "right thing." And there's definitely humor.

I loved Top of the Lake.

But if I don't threaten people with death, how will they know that I want them to die?

There's a couple prostitute/drug dealers Kohl hangs out with, Marty's wife, Marty's lover, and Marty's two adorable young daughters. Latest episode introduced an (unnamed) female doctor and head of medicine who dates Kohl for a little while.

Because it's a fantastic, deeply-layered show, with phenomenal performances. It is definitely male-centric, because the two main characters are men. But my wife is not a fan of misogynistic films, and she loves this series. Different strokes. Maybe it's not for you.

Sure. Blame Satan. Everyone blames Satan.

This is happening in my community. She was arrested in my town. If police find bodies where she says she can "pinpoint" them on a map, then the reporter might get a Pulitzer Prize for covering the story of one of the only female serial killers in history. But I have read this same plot in countless crime novels over

During my first couple of months in NYC, I met a girl via MySpace (sigh..I know) and took her to dinner at a nice place in NoHo. She was a very attractive pharmaceutical sales rep (a stereotypical "hot girl" profession), and her profile made her seem really intelligent and witty.

Her fitness level is inferior as per measurements to compete in that scenario based on a breakdown of athletic profiles across all major sports that were based on war games. I wrote a paper pointing this out in every detail when that was the trending media topic, analyzing every aspect of each person. Do you even