
That's some great analysis. Hopefully the Gainesville PD is as smart as you. Having lived in Florida through the Ted Bundy and Gainesville Ripper years, I'm just completely freaking and in fact am going to call her right now, thanks for reminding me! Stay safe! Don't park by vans! Buddy system!

Living in Florida, does anybody else take a long gulp before they open one of these stories, expecting one day to find someone they know?

My daughter goes to UF and she said the thing that's freaking everybody out is the rapist is attacking in areas which have both Gainesville PD and campus police patrolling so they are normally areas people feel super-safe.

This is one of the best things I've ever read on Gawker Media. It's like IKEA catalog porn. I'll be staring at it for days and also in my dreams. You're the best!

Darla Moore

I'm a whale, allegedly, too. I demand a Florida recount.

That's repulsive. Thanks for the thoughtful analysis.

In Florida they barely taught us anything, except I remember Americanism vs. Communism was a required class. I learned about the riots after discovering the Village Voice in college.

The quest for ethics is noble, but where's the wrongdoing here? Isn't it time to stop viewing journalists as celibate priests, but just people who use social connections to gather information?

Nope, I can't get into it either. I see someone typed "sdafd" since I was in here last, but now it appears locked...Awaiting further instructions. I'm eager to do this, but the last thing anyone should do is duplicate someone else's work. Not to start, anyway. Adding stuff later and rescouring each day is a great

Brilliant idea! Also, flabbergasting this doesn't already exist! Pledging to work my ass off on this. Looking at the spreadsheet, it doesn't look like there are specific slots for days. Right now it shows Jan. 1, 2011 has some information listed. If I were to take January 2, 2011, would I just start adding data

The Democratic party has probably offered Johnson a Congressional seat or something if he backed up the Governor. He's a politician and is thinking about his future and securing some power, which is the smartest thing he could do for Ferguson. But he needs to step back and realize that just having the people of

I've been reading other headlines and getting enraged and then every time I come here it's like ahhhh, sanity and truth. Thanks for that.

Watching that was like watching your new roommate hang her Celine Dion poster. *shivers* Thank god for unanswered pilots.

Exactly! So well put. Terrorize and murder and lie and CYA on people for CENTURIES and then when they finally raise their voices in anger and demand you stop, call all tens of thousands of them "rioters" and "looters" and tell the nation that they're so out of control you have to lock them all in their homes at night

More rage-inducing BS from the people who brought us the murder of a teenage boy. God, or somebody, help the people of Ferguson.

Since this is apparently now "pretty Reddit" I'm giving you bumps.

Buffy: Chaos Bleeds is how every game should be. You were only killing already-dead things and there was snarkage. GTA is so DUMB. Buffy taught you slaying and snarkage.

I used to admire cops. They've saved my life three times. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for those good cops. But they're long retired. So I'm going to say something I've never said before: I FUCKING HATE COPS!!

I would love to see a national discussion of mental health. It just never happens. Just like the racism in our country, and the lack of adequate health and dental care, it never changes. Unless you're rich, there is no treatment.