Me either. And the smell is a light cherry vanilla, which is heavenly.
It's great. So far:
OK, I'm doing it. I hinted loudly over the holidays but got a bunch of Yankee Candles and Shea Body Butter (not complaining). But I love Beyonce. And Burt. And Battlestar Galactica. Also, isn't Pharrell just great? That kid always has something smart to say.
But just to be sure I listened to this whole album this morning. It could be any of these too. Can't wait. Three more days.
omigod they have done a House of Cards preview? Must go find. So AGREED on Robin Wright! She is the quiet engine driving that entire machine o' evil. Every time he gets on that rowing machine she gave him I think it's such a perfect metaphor I want to kiss whoever thought it up.
There is shock in the story, but I see all that stuff as kitschy. Honestly, to me, the most horrifying and gory parts of American Horror Story are the opening credits. I think they put viewers off because they expect the same level of horror for the show, and it's not. Especially this season, there's a lot of humor…
They're all great! They use the same cast every season but completely rewrite the story. For that reason alone, the consistently awesome cast and what incredibly versatile actors they are, you should witness all three seasons. Then you'll have your favorite. Mine so far really has to be season 3 because it's all about…
I am counting down for The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks. And while nobody loves them some Jessica Lange more than me, I hope this will be Lily Rabe's moment to shine because she is also so awesome. I have been listening to every Fleetwood Mac song trying to decide which one they will sing on the episode and it's…
I apologize for barging into your thread here and for also not having a strong opinion about whether or not she should have apologized, or should I? I apologize for not knowing.
Just posted this to my college daughter on Facebook. Much points. Many thanks. wow
Bingo, bingo, bingo. Welcome to North Florida, where no crime gets looked at fairly where Willie Meggs is involved. The guy is a pox. SO GLAD the world is finally getting a look at him.
Damn straight. You keep going and get in there and seek actual justice, not your own self-aggrandizement, and you'll be fine.
But nobody even remembers them.
They now make many safer ways to ingest cannabis, including edibles, vaporizers and tinctures. You don't have to smoke it at all anymore. In photos of the dispensaries they have rows of all sorts of baked goodies, from lollipops to cookies. I would love to know how they taste because my only experience was once we…
SING IT! As a Tallahasseean I can tell you you are right on the money.
You can still be a great prosecutor. Not being like Willie Meggs would be a grand start. He's a legendary North Florida goodolboysaltoftheearthstabyouinthegutsonofabitch.