
please... just read... until the second paragraph

Me too, frankly. It started off as a cutesy joke and like... wow, gamers are fragile.

I’m glad I’m not working at Gamestop anymore.

Throw an accent or a crappy phone connection into the mix and all hell will break loose this Christmas.

Except that’s two different lines, and of the DS lines, the Lite is the only one to really sell gangbusters. The Lite sold more than double the original DS and DSi combined.

I think it’s not an issue of X and S, given that we’ve all been conditioned by Apple to understand the letter at the end denotes different level of hardwares.

I think Series is especially bad. Is the Xbox One S part of the series of Series S? Like why series? Why not literally anything else besides One and 360? Xbox Pear S would be clearer.

I’d have been okay with “Super Xbox” but I’m old.

People who don’t see this as a problem obviously never worked retail before. 

Thank you. Maybe it’s not that bad but as you put it, its not that great either.

Totally agree. You would think they would have learned their lesson after folks referred to the launch xb1 as “xbone” but no, they doubled down on stupid.

You are way underselling it. One of the most basic rules of consumer goods is to never get too complex with product names. Will gaming nerds have problems? No, or it’s very unlikely. But for casual gamers and young gamers who Microsoft and by that count, Sony need to buy in, it is bothersome and retail employees will

Amusing that this post came out after I spent all morning fending off hoards of “it’s not hard” and “you’re just stupid” drones.

One of the strangest things about whenever this topic is brought up is the whole host of people that immediately feel the need to go “no it’s NOT confusing at all!!”

ex-bone SAD is the name of my new manga.

You’re assuming those people are going to be Googling the right info or that they even know that XBox One is last gen.

Its best just to shorten them for clarity.

They should remove the national anthem entirely. 

Did Microsoft really not think that releasing a console whose name is going to be abbreviated as “SS” was a good idea right now? Come the room, guys.

I was an ASM at Gamestop, and this was like prime ‘terror-inducer’ for me.