Bridget Smith

Yesterday I witnessed someone being shocked that Christopher Nolan was getting his handprints put in at Grauman's Theatre. She'd never heard of him. When she was informed that he'd directed the new Batman movies, she responded, "Oh, well, of course I've never heard of him, I'm not an adolescent boy." She got TRASHED

This is why I think Mockingjay could, if done right, be a better movie than book. There's no reason for them to deviate much from Katniss's perspective in The Hunger Games, but they did occasionally anyway. I can't imagine anyone would look at Mockingjay and say anything other than, "This would be a really boring

This is why I think Mockingjay could, if done right, be a better movie than book. There's no reason for them to deviate much from Katniss's perspective in The Hunger Games, but they did occasionally anyway. I can't imagine anyone would look at Mockingjay and say anything other than, "This would be a really boring

The homages to Roman gladiators are so overt (the country is named freaking PANEM, a painfully heavy-handed reference to the notion of "bread and circuses") that the only people calling it a rip-off of Battle Royale have clearly not read it. Her actual influences are so obvious that the similarities to BR seem subtle

The homages to Roman gladiators are so overt (the country is named freaking PANEM, a painfully heavy-handed reference to the notion of "bread and circuses") that the only people calling it a rip-off of Battle Royale have clearly not read it. Her actual influences are so obvious that the similarities to BR seem subtle

Honestly, I was willing to believe that in the hands of a capable screenwriter and director, the mess that is the third book would get sorted out into an actual decent movie, but this bodes ill. This bodes very ill indeed.

Honestly, I was willing to believe that in the hands of a capable screenwriter and director, the mess that is the third book would get sorted out into an actual decent movie, but this bodes ill. This bodes very ill indeed.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Also, the romance novel industry in general is baffled by this. "But…there are so many better ones! And it's not like this is NEW!" Romance has always been one of the most successful genres, money-wise, even if most of the authors never become household names. This is

He also usually wears legit 50s-style fedoras rather than the straw kind as seen here, so that helps. I loved the episode with the newly wealthy guy who saw Neal walk in wearing his vintage suit and classic hat, and promptly started trying the hat himself. (It didn't work.)

He's actually quite charming and charismatic on screen - very likable, and gives Neal Caffrey a very appealing lost-little-boy quality that contrasts well with the cocky con man persona he wears. So, yeah: good actor, good-looking dude, would very much like to see him in more things.

Aw, I would totally watch Stick It, except, you know, White Collar. Can't miss Matt Bomer's face.

Aw, I would totally watch Stick It, except, you know, White Collar. Can't miss Matt Bomer's face.

But make sure you have an hour or two afterwards to just sit and stare at the wall in depression.

But make sure you have an hour or two afterwards to just sit and stare at the wall in depression.

Heh, well, I guess now it's recorded for posterity, so those who come after will get your joke.

Heh, well, I guess now it's recorded for posterity, so those who come after will get your joke.

Apparently Carey Mulligan was considered for this role. Not sure if they decided against her or if she turned it down, but still: would've been a very different effect.

Apparently Carey Mulligan was considered for this role. Not sure if they decided against her or if she turned it down, but still: would've been a very different effect.

No, no, that's "satyrical."

No, no, that's "satyrical."