Bridget Smith

A lot of the most unusual, ground-breaking, and genre-bending stuff comes from YA, because teenagers haven't had the rules of literature ground into them yet and don't care how you define a book as long as it's good.

Also, we've gone so overboard on correcting "me" as the subject of sentences (Me and my friend went to the playground!) that people have forgotten that it has an actual use (They gave the ball to my friend and I!)

Hey, my fencing club used to be in Middletown!

He must have a weird hatred for it: a couple years ago (when Backspacer came out), Pearl Jam did a tour where they didn't come any farther northeast than Philadelphia.

Severe anemia that you've successfully ignored/conflated with a case of bronchitis for 6 months also works! Bonus: everyone will assume you had a seizure or a major head injury!

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus I was weirdly accidentally talked into going to see a free stand-up show in the basement of a bar the other week, and it was pretty much as terrible as that sounds. And yes, most of them were full of hatred and misogyny and racism. But the funniest guy - the actual

This show has made me mentally replace Judi Dench with Maggie Smith for Person I Most Want To Be When Old. (First I have to become Cate Blanchett along the way.) (Clearly something will happen around age 50-60 that will make me SUPER cranky, but that's ok.)

"Thumb in a turtleneck" is what Annie taught us.

Chord Overstreet is like a checklist of Things I Am Not Attracted To, but damn if he isn't the one I find hottest. Same with Chris Pine as Jim Kirk: hits every point on that checklist, but DAMN.

I've had "We built chip city on all your dough" stuck in my head for two days now.

Yeah, I definitely see where you're coming from there. Sometimes she's great, and she has a great dynamic with the boys, but on her own she's sometimes just bland. Like the scene tonight where she's avoiding eye contact with Keller: awkward.

NO. The jousting with ancient weapons was something I didn't even know I NEEDED IN MY LIFE. (Admittedly, should've seen it coming. BUT STILL.)

Wait, how did you know?

I always spend the next three commercials trying to rewrite that so it's neither incorrect nor as clumsy as "less, less, fewer." I can't do it. But it pains me so!

Whenever I read the word "mirth" I mentally correct for a lisp.

Agreed. I live on the Upper West Side, and the idea of going to Brooklyn is enough to put me off (granted, that's 45 minutes to an hour, but still). A 46 minute train ride (plus the time spent getting to the train station from home and from the LIRR to the UWS, which would make it at least 75 minutes each way) is

Drunk Ted is surprisingly quick on the puns. Actually, Drunk Ted is pretty reliably awesome.

Shift, usually, unless it's really long and has lots of A's, Z's, or Q's. But if I'd said "shifting titles" you'd be awfully confused, and "capitalizing titles" is what most people do, so I figured "capslocking" was clearest.

Hahaha, they still use the Arbitron notebooks for radio ratings! It's incredibly frustrating. They finally came up with a system that would actually record every radio station you heard - in stores, in friends' cars, etc, things people don't usually write down - and the numbers in those markets changed DRAMATICALLY.

This thread makes me so grateful that even if my mother thinks Community is stupid, the shows on now that she loves are Parks & Rec and New Girl.