Andrew Coleman

"Clara learns the doctor’s name and that he’s met more versions of her and forgets all of that thanks to the reset."
Or does she? Earlier in the episode when she first runs past the swimming pool she giggles like "I haven't seen that before" at the end of the episodes she's drying herself off like she's just been

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I agree but verbal abuse is a part of persecution and I also think marriage laws should change.
But I was referring to my local community at University, where I think most people are pro equal marriage and wouldn't treat someone differently because they're gay but would

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus Sure but you can find weird outliers in any group of people.
I think a woman in the US once married a roll coaster, that doesn't mean every adult who is a fan of a roll coasters is a freak.

Why are you saying that? I've never understood that argument, is it because it's animated and aimed at children, couldn't you say the same about all PIXAR or Avatar: The Last Airbender fans then?

I'm not entirely sure about your argument there. Considering I have many LGBT friends and many Brony friends I can certainly see the parallels.
I'd actually argue Bronies are more persecuted, at least in my local community.
But suggesting someone is gay simply because they're a Brony is misguided at best and offensive

That's a good comment like a Mexican hates fireworks.
(sorry, I've just come from the Hemlock Grave review)

Yea, in terms of production values I think the show has really improved and I loved all the space backgrounds in this episode.
It was the teleportation and sonic screwdriver effects that looked like After Effects tutorials I wasn't a fan of, but my biggest problem wasn't how they looked but how they were used in the

Glad other people agree with me on this. I liked the idea but the way it was written and acted was just awfully.
Don't get me wrong, I think Spacey has done some fine work on the series but in that scene but not in that scene, although it could be simply down to bad direction or not having much to work with.

I liked it in theory, although I thought it was far too over the top.
It just seemed so over-acted that I was certain by the end of the episode it was going to be revealed to be a deliberate act by Frank as part of his master plan but it wasn't.
I also have a pet peeve for fake viral videos and remixes in TV shows (even

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus Yea but @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus is still correct! She doesn't take a "bag full of nickels" usually just a couple of coins cover the services rendered. Unless I'm getting a special price?

@avclub-991e8bf915707d1cebd758d4ae60b7aa:disqus "people who are obsessed with things others regard as trivial to the point where they lose track of perspective or any sense of objective
Sounds like a description of someone with Autism to me. You could argue they're not making fun of the condition just traits

I hate people who say "you can communicate normally therefor you're NOT Autistic" firstly it took my a long time to get to this point, secondly it really is a spectrum, just because you're not at the "serious" end doesn't mean you're not on it at all.
I'd argue everything is on the autistic spectrum, you have the

Yea me too.
As someone with Aspergers Big Bang Theory really offends me. It's like The Black and White Minstrel Show for people on the autistic spectrum.
But then I know other people like me who love it.
Personally I think Abed and Sherlock Holmes and the best depictions of us, although Conan Doyle didn't know about the

Another thing that's ridicules, is my University gave me a free Macbook Pro and a load of other gizmos because of my Autism and Dyslexia.
They don't help at all, I mean I appreciate the free stuff and part of me thought it was karma for all the times I got beat up in school up until this point but I know it's not fair.

Yea, I'm Autstic and all through high school I was on a variety of diets.
It seemed like every other week there was something else I wasn't allowed to eat or had to eat.
The fact is there is no "cure".
Over the years I've learnt to cope with it, for example I find it unbearably uncomfortable to look people in the eyes

In the UK Nolan blessed us with the same special features and normal menus.
I've got the 3-disc edition which I'll admit was a waste of money, the packaging looks cool but the third disc seems to just be promotional material I could have found on google.

Yes it is. But it's there

There is a chronological re-edit of Memento on the DVD, at least there is in the UK.

Pitch Black or The Hole 3D.

Pitch Black or The Hole 3D.