Andrew Coleman

This is the first episode of Community
I've ever watched live. I live in the UK and only brought the season
1 DVD a couple of months ago but I'm all caught up now.

This is the first episode of Community
I've ever watched live. I live in the UK and only brought the season
1 DVD a couple of months ago but I'm all caught up now.

I totally agree, with the "ticking off a checklist" point. The thing that annoyed me most was how quickly the "incorporation vote" was glossed over, it had absolutely zero weight and made me wonder why they even had that plotline the first place.

It's odd how out of place those style of flashbacks seems in season 2.
Just reminds me how different the first season was, but that could be just me.
Also is it ethical for Veronica NOT to tell the guy what she found out at the end of 'Nevermind The Buttocks', I hope she at least gave him his money back but surely it's

Finally I've almost caught up with AVClub (just seen episode 16).
I started watching season 1 when I noticed you were starting season 2. Now I have caught up and I wished I'd not rushed through season 1, it was much stronger than season 2 so far.
As for the episode I've just seen; it really bizarre seeing Michael Cera,

Finally! I've almost caught up with AV Club!
Interestingly "Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough" was the first episode of the show I ever saw.
Probably fortunate that it was pretty stand alone, but I didn't much care for it. It's not the best example of what the show is, I assumed from watching it that all Veronica's

Finally catching up with the AV club on this.
I started season 1 when I saw you guys were starting season 2. As I'm still behind there's not much point me going into too much detail of what I thought of the episode but here are a few of my stray observations:
- The mystery of the week was over way to fast, in fact there

On a related note anyone know if you can actually buy this show legally in the UK?
I literally can't find anywhere selling new DVDs unless you inportant them from the US.
I really want to get my family into the show, they're about to finish watching Buffy for the first time (I know they're really behind) and I was

I know I'm quite a way behind but I've just finished this season. I'd been meaning to get into it for a while and seeing you where doing a season 2 re-watch gave me the push I needed (hopefully I'll catch up with you soon).
Overall I really enjoyed the series, much more than I expected to. I's always thought it was a

I really hate to say this because I love what Felicia Day is doing.
But I think there's a reason she wasn't getting work in mainstream Hollywood and had to create her own production and that's simply she's not a very good actress. Sure she doesn't have the traditional Hollywood 'look' (which is why she claimed she

Yea I sort of agree, I guessed that during the 'previously' too and as soon as he walked out of the room on the Teselecta for the first time I knew it would come back to that scene later.
Still I like how Moffat never actually *lied* when he said on Twitter (something like) "the Doctor really is on the beach, he does