You hear that Jalopniik? BEARS. Now you’re putting the whole website in jeopardy.
Cheers, fellow Jalops.
I can think of one person that would LOVE that ejection seat.
I think it’s time for you to collect.
You haven’t lost your touch.
You really, really didn’t miss much. Part 3 was easily the worst. Part 2 was just mindless fun.
About the jetpack....
I immediately thought of this.
The [E]nd of YorHa had me shook. I took to twitter to basically cry to Yoko Taro with a tweet that was basically, “WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY”.
For the discerning touge and idol enthusiast, may I present:
If it would bring back Ernest Borgnine, I would play Modern Helicopter Warfare.
This ^.
Yep, that Babel Tower was an Omen alright. It’s even worse on the digital versions, where you can’t hear the disc spin to let you know a random encounter was going to happen.
Time for the obligatory NRW soundtrack post for this.
2. When I read about this back in 2015, I was riveted. I do hope that they’ve all found stable work.
I voted CP, but I still want it.