Okay, I can understand slathering a Honda or some other JDM car with itasha decals. Fine by me.
This is just pure pornography.
Well, there goes my idea of posting a megan fox picture for my entry.
@cubsftw: I think the hamster said that one
Kangaroo's got hops, yo.
I'd say that you're dead to me, but I don't think Aston Martin gives two shits about what the plebeians think anyway.
Sounds like somebody's waiting for the hammer to fall.
there's only gonna be one cop car to me. With a broken lighter.
@spiegel1, Turboner: I went with a pregnancy test and some vodka.
If there's no horse-chase scene or flying jeep that blows up a helicopter while the dude is singing i'm not interested.
@Ash78 gonna git you, sucka: you mean like a facebook status update?
@Alfisted: Your engine's writing checks your body can't cash!
There, fixed it for you GM. Pay me.
There's an xzibit joke in here somewhere...
Can I has?