
it doesn't have much to do with the version of MAME you're using but rather which games you're playing...

Within the last few years I've got into collecting machines myself. I recently Picked up a Dance Dance Revolution Extreme machine and swapped out the game board for StepMania with over 1200 songs.

Not fun getting it into my basement... the weight is printed right on the side the base unit alone stated it was over

I've recently got into collecting... you really need to pic games that you absolutely LOVE, not just "hey cool an arcade machine".

I've got DDR, Killer Instinct 2, and Virtual-On and I'm planning on adding a few more games soon. While I don't play these games every day they're definitely all games that I love and will

You can get a solid upright cabinet with 25" monitor for under $300 easily... don't waste your time (or money) trying to build your own it will end up costing you 3-5 times as much and you'll have a less valuable end product.

90s Midway fighter cabs (Mortal Kombat/Killer Instinct/etc) are good cheap platforms as are

most of those games you listed are big name AAA titles, and those games tend work without issue, but I'm not using my Gaming PC for any of those games because any game that comes out on both PC and a Console, I'm going to buy on a console instead.

The very first game I bought on Steam and the game that prompted me to

Here's the problem... if you have 1 PC and you use it for PC tasks every day and you leave it on most of the time and you game on it using a keyboard and mouse then most of these annoyances that I'm having problems with are spread out over time to the point where they're not very noticable.

I built a Gaming PC that

"progression" is not the same thing as "resolution".

There are a lot more than Graphics Drivers that's really an inconsequential problem. I built my own version of a steam box last year.. I wanted to game from the couch using a controller on a PC... everyone went on and on about how easy it was now... 9 times out of 10 I have to plug in a keyboard and mouse and trudge

As someone who plays and collects arcade games... most of which run at 320x240... but have rock solid frame-rates... I can whole-heartedly agree that I'd rather play games at a lower resolution so long as the framerate is solid.

Every few years I decide to test the waters with PC gaming again... and every few years I'm reminded of how much of a pain in the ass it is to just play the goddamn game without blowing hours getting everything installed and working properly.

Sadly every generation consoles are getting worse and worse in this regard so

I never play multiplayer... I'd rather run a 640x480 game with 60FPS than a 30FPS anything.

Also... I consider FSAA, better lighting effects, and higher resolution texture to be more imporant than Screen Resolution also. IMO those things will actually improve the realism and picture quality much more than your output

I'm really joking... As someone who was a Nintendo fan since the NES and a Sega fan since the Genesis... the Dreamcast was IMO Sega's best console with Sega's best games and after that... everything went downhill.

I lost Interest in Nintendo after the N64... I've bought every one of their console's since then but

*puts on flame suit*

I can't wait for Nintendo to go the way of Sega so I can play this on PS4/XB1.

I'm really looking forward to the Definitive Edition, I never got around to playing the reboot and the games available on XB1/PS4 are pretty dry at this point.

As someone who used to work as an arcade tech (working on pinballs) and who knows a lot of people who collect pinballs I hear a lot of complaints that the newer pinballs aren't built with the same quality as the older ones (I haven't had the pleasure of working on any of the new ones, but I have poked around inside a

The problem is that Pinball machines are expensive, they're expensive to buy, (2-3 times the cost of a typical video arcade) and they're expensive to maintain, all those moving parts are potential points of failure... parts are expensive since there is very little that is shared between machines, compared to video

timeless graphics
can play hundreds of games by simply installing a PC, or swapping out the PCB like a cartridge.
worth every penny for the enjoyment my friends and I get out of playing them. (I host tournaments and "game nights" every so often)
no one is "recycling" these at this point, the value of these machines has

do it... :)

For people with limited space I typically recommend trying to get a Japanese Candy Cab. They can can be expensive (usually $600-$1000 depending on condition and luck) but they have modular control panels are built for easily swapping out games and a nice big monitor. On the Neo Geo forums they do group buy

I love arcade machines, I wish arcades were still around, but since they're pretty much dying I've taken to collecting machines myself... You'd be surprised how cheaply you can pick them up, you just have to watch Craigslist like a hawk and be ready with a truck before some one else scoops up the good deals.
