
I agree, especially since MSR did time of day changes back on the friggin Dreamcast, and PGR4 was doing dynamic weather last gen.

Wait they nuked daytime and weather effects again? I thought when those were dropped from Forza 4 they said they going to add them to Forza 5?

The big new feature is the fact that all of the offline AIs that you race against are based on the driving habits of real people, between that and the huge leap in terms of visual fidelity I'm curious what else you were expecting from the game?

I can understand using it for it's intended purpose: TV, but personally I plan on plugging my Xbox 360 into my Xbox One for one reason only: Finishing the achievements in Forza 3 and 4.

Each of those games have achievement for getting gold in all races which is several hundred races, however you can hire a driver to do

I hate to bitch and complain but the controllers in the featured article look far and wide better than the one you posted.

Anyone can paint a controller but it's clear the ones in the article had a significant amount of work put into smoothing the case to glass like finish. The paint quality is also on par with

90% of this is completely irrelevant to me because I'm interested in buying a next gen console to play next gen games.

yeah my XB1 was scheduled to arrive dec 2nd but I was able to go into the amazon order properties and pay a few extra dollars for faster shipping... it should be arriving on launch day now.

Me too, no one wants their shiny new toy to be DOA no matter what it is.

I'm hoping that MS took extra precautions this go-around, not wanting a repeat of the last generation.

Any wallet-bleeding micro-transaction BS in this game? That crap seems to be putting a big wet blanket on all of my anticipated releases this holiday.

So what happens when we look at our old Xbox 360 achievements in this mode? Are we just going to get a big empty screen with some sparse text?

Now playing

I've got to say I really don't like the animated pop up notifications on the XB1... It's one of those things that might look nice when watching a demo video but in practice I think it will get old fast. I still want the notifications but I want them off the screen and as non-distracting as possible so I can get the

wow, that's really important information, How the hell did that get left out of the Kotaku review completely? there's no mention of pay to play or micro-transactions, or even the gem system... WTF?

So it sounds like the major gripe is that the game is highly repetitive, it sounds almost arcadey to me... which is fine, but how much does the game cost?

a game that lasts 8 hours and is repetitive at $10 is a lot different than a game that lasts 8 hours and is repetitive at $60

because the Japanese game pad had red blue green and yellow and the two controllers likely shared the same mold.

Crimson Dragon (Xbox One)

I don't know... what if you camp out, miss your chance to buy an Xbox One only to realize you've got $500 in your pocket, enough to buy a Wii U with Mario, Zelda and still have some cash left over.

indeed it is.

sorry, I never saw that.

I was about to star you post until the quip at the end. Seriously, if you feel you have to lump entire communities behind morons like that then you're just as bad as him.

You said there was "no reason ... ever", that seemed pretty clear to me. I can think of dozens of valid reasons, so I provided one, that's all.