Wow, I was three! I always find it odd seeing stuff like this from back when the internet was all shiny and new and slow like Purgatory
Wow, I was three! I always find it odd seeing stuff like this from back when the internet was all shiny and new and slow like Purgatory
@phicaluk: I was just thinking the same thing- insert the obligatory "bloody Americans ruining our language" rant
@emag: aint it funny how defending them requires some intense depopulation
@BanhammerStrikesBack: actually we can thank twenty million dead russians for that.
@Raiger: "What if they were actually insurgents with weapons and RPGs" someone said something similar about Jean Charles de Menesez (sorry about the spelling)
@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: yeah, it's funny when the Huhajadeen (sp) did it to the Russsians 20 years ago they were noble partisans
@thehollowman: In what way does the Iraq War protect your homes and families? it's increased support for al-Quaeda and Hezbollah, severly weakened NATO's popular support overstretched the USA's army. But hey, those two unarmed civillians in the video were most definitely evil bastards just waiting to kill all the…
@BanhammerStrikesBack: They should be ashamed- because it's not murder when 'Mericans in Uniforms do it- it's defending national security from big scary terrorists (who are called civillians if they're white and Jesus lovin')
@Etheris: You're right, it's not unique to Americans, but they're the ones in the video,
@Fwiffo: angsty tacky pop and rock- have you heard the top forty in Britain lately? We're the only country where crap like Jedward ft Vanilla freaking Ice can get in the top ten in 2010
@affenvampir: ditto on the rings- I'm British and when I was a kid always thought Americans were "us with accents" but those rings and all the purity Jesus crap struck me as a weird Victorian throwback when a visitng American at my school explained it.
All us cool-kids are naturally ambidextrous- gives you a useful advantage in golf and cricket!
@Mokona: But they only ever eat right-handed, going southpaw for dinner is a big no-no
@BraveSrRob: A reference to real life, anyone who's been to or lived in Spain can tell you it almost never rains on the plains of central Iberia, but rather in the mountainous north, near the French border.
@BraveSrRob: Nah, it's so realistic that the rain falls on a mcoked up Pyrenese to the north of the park ;)
@cihx: You know not all of us on XBL are "AMERICAN" some of us happen to not be comfortable with different pricing in different currencies- look at the mess it makes with retail prices- a universal system is fine with me
@mrpibb79: all i can say is "Yum, eggs!"
@Teran: i do wish folks would stop complaining about a two minute segment after the real climax- it was either no guns, or a cutscene and i prefer to play as a gunless Badass Desmond than watch and gunned Badass Desmond
@Polterg3ist won't be pleased: Glad it's not just me who was annoyed by that ;)
@escapefairfax: So it's not just me then- I hate MP on FPSs but gave it shot anyhoo and loved it!