Twirling towards freedom

When I was became a teacher, I was surprised to find that PE teachers really are, generally, sadistic idiots who enjoy humiliating kids in glasses.

I’m not loving this particular dress but I’m happy to see any trend that I can wear a bra with!

I am tall and, currently anyway, thin (due to an exclusion diet so this probably won’t last). Tried a dress like this on recently and it still made me look and feel like a sister wife.

Well then they should start right now

I’ve literally avoided going into the city centre with my baby because I can’t bear the idea of using the trams or the big metro train stations where we do have lifts but it’s summer here and everything constantly breaks.

The extent of misogyny and racism in this world shouldn’t surprise me but it still does somehow.

Literally the only person who ever FaceTimes me is my mother in law who I detest. Don’t think she’s IT savvy enough but I am now seriously wondering if she’s heard me in the background saying ‘oh god not her again’ 

Literally the only reason I have FaceTime is so my baby’s grandma can FaceTime with her. Does mean that I have to carefully pick one of the few tidy spots in the house as a background though

Rent is goddamn awful and it’s absolutely everywhere.

Yes! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m an Australian who was recently prescribed Amoxicillin and it cost me about 5 Australian dollars (so, 3ish usd).

I’ve had to give up all dairy recently and without sounding dramatic, I am in state of mourning over cheese. I spend my days dreaming of it. I would give almost anything even to be able to have a slice of cheep American cheese.

I’ve been spending a fair bit of my time in hospitals recently (not for anything too serious) and the amount of hospital pharmacies that sell vaginal ‘freshness’ products is mind blowing. Vaginas shouldn’t smell like peaches and I think it’s super negligent of hospitals to suggest they should.

I mean, that hair is not good or real looking but at least it looks like it is actually some sort of substance that is really touching his head.

Not me, but my brother.

I’m so confused right now! You don’t eat basil leaves??? Is this an American thing?  What about pesto? I could go on and on!

The other thing is, if there’s an omniscient God, surely those foetuses/babies would then be with God? In which case, they’d be in the best place.

Isn’t there something in the bible which says you shouldn’t make a show of your religion/prayers?

Since my kid was born, my mother has on multiple occasions sent me, unprompted, the clip of Jennifer Garner reading ‘Go the fuck to sleep’. Always accompanied by a whole bunch of those laugh crying emojis. Often sent at 6am, making it one of her first thoughts for the day. 

When I gave birth, I also had a catheter and it came out like twice (unmedicated birth but needed one after). The second time it came out I basically refused to have it put back in which meant for the next few hours I had to call the nirsss in to look at my pee- worth it.

And even the same person can experience the same type of pain differently. My mum has 3 kids and we’re not that young now but yesterday, for some reason, she rang me up to describe how painful each birth was- mine being the worst, even though all were the same type of birth