
Now listen, if you don't drink soda, do not chime in with "that's why I don't drink it" or "glad I don't drink it" because fuck you, okay? This is not about you. This is about us, the people who love soda."

Best line from a Jezebel article or Greatest line from a Jezebel article?

This is excellent news. If anyone missed the background story on this dude, you can find Charlotte Laws's amazing piece here. It's chilling, and well worth a read.

Do you remember how furious conservatives were about how sexist it was to put a flattering but unphotoshopped closeup of Palin on the cover of Newsweek? Let me just find a comfortable chair while I wait for them to go after the Times for this bullshit.

People who are going to fight against abortion access will find ammunition anywhere. If situations like this did not exist, they would find their gun powder elsewhere.

Noel is the KING of angry rock star commentary. I saw him play at Coachella a few years ago and they did interviews with all the artists. His was hilarious, he just basically said "You know, people just like to get drunk in fields, so music festivals just add music to that and charge people hundreds of dollars.

I did, but I was entering a graduate program. I drove my car bc it was much cheaper than shipping. Shipping would have been $3000. I also have a cat and needed to have a car when I arrived, so driving was the better option for me. I recommend you look for a land lord who rents directly - ie, no management company in

You may want to find a therapist who is trained in ED—they will know not just how to help you but also how to determine when you're evading and self-sabotaging (which is part of the disorder). And I hope you are so proud of yourself right now. This is a huge and hard step and you're doing it!

I think the target is more "people with disposable income", who are more likely to be white for all kinds of reasons you already know. The women's interests/issues angle is just a refinement to allow more precise targeting, the same way io9 is for people into sci fi/fantasy etc. It helps Gawker media sell their

I'm not sure my feeble ladybrain can handle his awesomeness.

Can't wait to hate read Hugo Schwartz response.

You...sound like a really antisex person without a sense if humor. I'm sure you'll do very well in Jezebel comments.