Twilight Sparkle

Just invite Moffat along and then everyone lives.


Uh, I wouldn't. I'd punch that guy in the dick if he tried.

Today I receive another comprehensive reminder that the AV Club Overlords have far different taste than mine.

Jeez, if you're offended over what you claim is a shallow representation of ASOIAF, then you should have beheaded Parker and Stone for that anime bit.

He looked a lot like Uncle Iroh to me.

Considering there's battle scenes that are just a pan over a still with sound effects, you're probably not getting much more by watching the series, especially since it ends at the ascension of Femto.

It's just Berserk, and the jury has mixed opinions on the quality. The original series stopped making episodes literally just after the most significant event in the series, and the animation was done on a shoestring budget. There's a movie series ongoing that I have yet to watch, but I've heard the production values

All I know is that after seeing him on NSTF, his smile might be the scariest thing on this show.

It's funny because racism!

*Viola Davis glares from her futuristic military uniform*

I'd presume the Israeli military includes at least some basic hand-to-hand combat training.

I'd like to see her in Breath.


I'd give it an A, I think, unless those were banned with A+.

Do they also subsidize the porkpie and trilby industries?

I'm pretty sure he's referring to a recently-created game with, shall we say, three-dimensional aids?

Granted, buying MVP 2005 for PC (used) seems to run about $60-$80 now, but the hitting interface seems to consist of:

I'm kinda worried that this fandom overlaps with Key and Peele.

In 20 years no one will leave the house because of the sex simulators, and thus Sleeper will become the most accurate dystopia.