
They are assholes, not fascists. In fact, they are “fighting” against their perceived oppression by the government. In that way, they too are anti-fascist.

Given that we don’t have a fascist system of government, and given that opposition to the government is absolutely no the same as being anti-fascist, these guys aren’t anti-fascist. Rather, they’re big fans of the last guy, who made no secret of his own fascist inspiration. 

Yeah, Obviously the worst thing here is people shooting at other people over what amounts to vandalism. That’s a “straight to jail” type of thing. 

well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition

Does NOT Compute! Twenty-two years old, quarter of a million miles, nearly $13,000, poor-to-miserable fuel mileage when we’re routinely seeing $4/gallon (or more) at the pump. The asking price is absurd . . . and yet, it will sell close to asking because the world is crazy right now. No Dice.

It’s not necessarily that a joke is offensive, it’s that it’s not funny *to them* even if it’s a real knee-slapper to you, because even though you believe you’ve just come up with an amazingly original joke, it’s not original and they’ve heard it 1000 times before.

What does being annoyed by lame ass boomer jokes have to do with political affiliation? 

No joke is funny when you hear it 25 times a day

And already the, “If it affects performance or engine note? No thank you.” comments are out in force.
ie I’d rather have my child, or my friend’s children grow up in a filthier country where our children suffer more from a variety of diseases and neurological deficits all so that my car can go Vroom Vroom louder and

If all of this has taught me anything, it’s that I understand why certain Russians long for the old Soviet days. Everything these current goofballs do seems to be in the most lazy manner possible. Like there are no checks & balances in the government structure, so shit like this happens:

The 3 SIMS’s was funny, but the most laugh out loud moment of the supposed evidence was the note that was signed, in clear crisp handwriting, by someone called ‘Illegible Signature’.

The Russian public, where there are “too many” people who are still asking questions about what their soldiers are dying for.

It’s not about proving anything, it’s about repeating the message until it’s background noise and noone questions it.

This just in: FSB released a series of photos of Russian soldiers being escorted into a pool... and then Ukrainian Nazi forces took the stairs out!

PennDOT has stated that it removed the information because the agency feels the data being publicly available posed a security risk. Cheryl Moon-Sirianni, a PennDOT executive, told the Post-Gazette, “You wouldn’t believe the folks that want to do harm and try to do things to hurt others and we’re reluctant to put

Prosecute! Expose her! I don’t care about the embarrassment for her or her family!

What makes your definition of “git gud” real and the other ones fake? “Git gud” has become the new “it’s about ethics in game journalism,” in that it’s a vague phrase that can be twisted to reflect whatever values you want. The only people I see saying "git gud" are the toxic gatekeepers, but the toxicity is enabled

Nah the “Assault is never the answer” argument doesn’t work here because not it makes it seem as if Tyson was the instigator and downplays the actions of the guy that was bothering him. While he COULD have handled it differently, dude was pretty much poking a bear with a stick in bothering Tyson. Play stupid games...

Alledged direct quote from Tyson:

Above all, +1 for the seller. They cleaned the car, took solid pictures, and were very descriptive of all known issues and recent work. NP either way but particularly because of that.