
Instead of the lardy, mean-as-a-snake octagenarian-adjacent shut-in he is now?

And without denigrating a portion of the public, this country, or other countries while doing it.  

Was Trump still a preening private school boy when Cummings was getting clubbed to his knees at civil rights marches? It  was, of course, before he was claiming bone spurs to get out of going to Vietnam and working hard every day at the office with dad to keep his buildings white only.

Democrats (and other liberals) need to commit to vote for the Democratic nominee even if it is not someone they wanted or if the nominee is not progressive enough or is too progressive. And in particular, Bernie supporters cannot stay home/vote 3rd party if (as I assume) he is not the nominee. If Republicans can rally

“We are all fucked if he wins 2020.”

As long as they’re paying the bills, I’m sure the attorneys are laughing all the way to the bank.

Dress up like the Klan, get treated like the Klan, and MAGA hats are just the new white hood.

This whole situation is a mess of “he said, he said, they said, these other guys said, video cut #1 said, video cut #2 said”.

Anyone who still has the slightest bit of respect for trump apparently has never met a middleschool aged brat who just got in trouble. The parallels to his constant behavior are too egregious to ignore

Tremendous pussy. He has no idea what it's even like in New York, because he never sets foot outside his gilded palace bubble.

 Projecting like his middle name was IMAX. Quelle surprise.

For once in his life this fucker needs to be knocked down from his pedestal. KARMA hurry up!

But he’s trying to get A$AP Rocky out of a Swedish jail because Kanye West’s wife asked him to. He’s a friend of the Black community!

I hope this slow approach on impeachment is just a tactic Democrats are using to keep Trump constantly stressed. They would’t need to impeach if he stroked out in a fit of rage. Just badger him into an early retirement (or grave).

If they really want to show Third World shithole conditions, just roll some of those clips from rural Alabama & East OxyContin, WV. The UN investigator was shocked by the open sewer poverty he encountered in North Carolina.

The poor little skid mark still doesn’t realize that wearing a MAGA hat is what got him labeled as a racist. Maybe he should try suing Trump instead. 

He’s a senator at the FEDERAL level. Which means he has little control over the workings of the City and state government. With this logic, why can’t the president fix it?

Trump is President of the whole country. If Baltimore is a shit hole, why doesn't HE fix it?!

He needs to get my city’s name out of his mouth. 

A lot of people were really pissed at the finale. I'm fine with it. As long as Ronnie is being Ronnie I'm on board.