Would I have done this personally? No. But here we are.
Would I have done this personally? No. But here we are.
“Sure thing, senator. We also plan on investigating whether the zodiac killer is still alive.”
I think most people’s idealism has them growing up assuming elected officials represent the best of us, as we get older we unfortunately discover the majority of them are like Ted Cruz - people who’s cowardice is outpaced only by their galactic stupidity.
Isn’t the best way to get rid of Antifa is to get rid of the fascists?
there’s something so satisfying about seeing ted cruz look so, so dumb. i wonder if any of his aides tried to explain that antifa (without amending a particular city, region, or group) is incredibly amorphous. maybe his team is just as dumb as he.
“(an) organization that has engaged in mass anonymous violent terrorism.”
Please please please let this happen. I would love to be able to finally get off opiods and actually be able to afford to do so. Getting a card in my state is too damn expensive for me 😫
America and its people are garbage and this entire post is proof.
fun piece of trivia! one of the reasons the US lost the Vietnam war was that the higher-ups got obsessed with the idea that the Viet Minh must have had some kind of central command location, a “bamboo pentagon.” they expended vast amounts of energy to trying to find and bomb this definitely-had-to-exist location, on…
The GOP is filled with nothing but complete fucking morons.
Thank you, Ted, for looking after our fascists. You are a true patriot.
If Cruz wants to stop antifa, all he has to do is make eye contact with their members. That fucking alien face of his is enough to disgust anyone to the point of turning away.
They’re finally going to take down the leader, John H. Antifa, who founded the organization just 3 years ago.
You didn’t miss much. Part of Riverdale’s appeal has always been its ridiculousness but this is ridiculous without being entertaining the way the first season was.
What the fuck do I care about the “culture” of this country? We don’t have one, really, but I really don’t give a flying fuck if someone comes here and keep up their traditions and culture and whatever. Do what the fuck you want. As long as you are a decent person, come on in and live a happy life.
Just once I’d like to see him try to hold a rally in San Francisco or give a speech at NYU or basically anywhere he isn’t guaranteed an audience of sycophants. Just so he could get a dose of what roughly 60% of the country actually thinks of him.
No. But the horrible writing the last couple of seasons might.
Putting an unasked for weight loss product in an order would seem to suggest that they think weight loss is needed. It’s also pretty passive-aggressive.
Seriously, why can’t this aggressive form of vicious cancer masquerading as a bloated orange blob of feces in a cheap suit just die. Surely his finite number of heartbeats is drawing to an end.
if you see ICE, kill ICE.