
Everyone always talks about what a poopfest childbirth is, but I didn't have anything other than (albeit plentiful) toilet poos for any of my three births. I did make my husband hold my hands during some of those for the first baby, but we'd already covered that territory with excessive drinking in our early days.

After 3 kids, my formerly glorious, perky 34Bs are now sad little empty 32As, and I'm only 33. Itty bitties can still deflate, even if they don't have as far south to travel.

I have to admit, during the time of the mesh underwear, being super-duper sexy was pretty much the last thing on my mind ;). It's probably just as well, since sexual activity's kinda off limits til bleeding stops.

Do you remember 12? I considered suicide more between the ages of 11-13 than I did in all the years since. Middle school is hell, and the internet makes it so much worse.

You get them after you have a baby - they're really stretchy easy for a wobbly, bleeding mom to step into and they hold your giant post partum pads (which don't have adhesive and basically go from your belly button to halfway up your back). They're actually remarkably comfortable but it's definitely not a look I was

Being fit definitely helps, but it doesn't necessarily preclude all difficulties. I was a yoga instructor and very fit through my pregnancies, and fared reasonably well, but after my third baby I still experienced diastasis recti that two years (and lots of conscientious abdominal work) later still hasn't resolved.

I'm all about a regular bedtime and it definitely helps everyone in the house feel better. But isn't it possible that kids who are more resistant to the bedtime routine are also more likely to be kids with behavior problems? Just a thought. Correlation does not equal causation.

My husband's first sexual encounter was when he was quite young (in his very early teens) and with a woman old enough to be his mother. He felt confused, upset, and conflicted about it at the time, but had no idea how to process it, as back then he was still operating under the false assumption that an

Have you ever played these games? There's a prompt as kids level up or at random intervals to buy things to use in the game (this is especially true for free games, which is what I mostly have because I'm cheap). They don't have to go shopping - they're not entering credit card information or signing on to parents'

Dude, what's with the snark? I don't feel like I've given you any reason to speak to me as if I am negligent or naive. I'm pretty sure my toddler and preschooler aren't plumbing the depths of the interweb after I go to sleep, and none of my kids have unsupervised access to internet-connected devices. As for my 7

Mine are still pretty small, so no, not yet. The only one who's probably capable is my oldest, who's 6 and actually has zero interest in video games. I imagine that when they're old enough to actually screw with my settings, I probably won't be handing them my cell phone to buy an extra mile in the jogging stroller.

Airplane mode. I never let my kids use my devices if there's a possibility they're a button mash away from purchasing something or dialing 911.

I was getting eczema-like patches of red, irritated, flaky skin around my nose, a little by my mouth and chin, and near my eyes for a few months, and nothing was helping. I was diagnosed with peri-oral dermatitis and given a topical antibiotic (it's not a bacterial infection, and they don't know WHY it works, but it

Not to mention that there are several vocal affectations that can totally destroy the vocal chords. Poor breathing or learned vocal tics (and I don't mean accents) picked up over time can limit range and sound production and ultimately make people sound less like themselves. Voice teachers and speech therapists

I have three small children and a dog. There is definitely no lack of opportunity. If one of my kids has an accident, the kid gets cleaned up/tended to before the pile, and I just have to hope it's still there when I'm done.

It's unscientific in that it's based on my limited, non-controlled observations and thoughts. I have huge respect for the scientific method and am careful to differentiate between intuition and anecdotal information and actual research.

Dude, me too! And fecal transplants have friggin saved lives. I mean, I know it's a little gross, but it's also fascinating. I have all these completely unscientific theories about how a lack of live food in the modern American diet is related to the scourge of allergies and food intolerance (gluten, peanut, etc.)

Since my husband's vasectomy, it seems like a practical joke ALMOST hilarious enough to end a marriage. Now THAT'S funny.

Stocking up for an April Fools he'll never forget?

Some people extend it out to "looking out" for other races, too. My husband met a black woman at a conference, who, upon finding out that he'd married a white chick told him "That's all well and good, but you really need to go back to India and have some Indian babies to perpetuate the race. I'm not saying you need