He’s not Black.
He’s not Black.
“Statutory rape of a child”
True how fashion houses who are part of #MeToo put up with this garbage put them in the Do Not Buy From Them
Trigger-happy sex offender.
The word"entitlement" gets thrown around a lot. In this case, however...
This guy’s had like 5th chances...
Can we stop using words like “controversial” to describe racist pedophiles?
Waiting for the day when I never see an image of this rainbow snow cone tattooed rapist clown face again, the filthy piece of shit. All the punches forever.
Poor impulse control, lack of brains, and a sense that the rules don’t apply to him, is my guess.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
It’s in the Patheos article. And it’s more of a jerkoff “logic and reason” compilation.
he kept a list of overweight actresses on his phone to prove that women aren’t inhibited by portrayals in the media when it comes to health and fitness
All my heroes man. WTF? I hope it’s not true.
I think at this point we should probably just assume that if you see a man on TV, he’s probably sexually assaulted someone.
One word answer: Booze.
There’s no reason for us to ever know these people are actually terrible!
I think a lot of famous (and famous-ish) people think that because people admire their acting/writing/whatever, people must admire everything about them and want all their thoughts and opinions. It’s the “I am now Important and so everything I want to say is Important too...the world needs to know!!” syndrome.
One thing I find the oddest about these sort of social media posts from people working in the entertainment industry is why they make them. It’s clear now that your social media accounts can impact your job so why not just share vapid updates about upcoming projects rather than say what’s in your heart and risk…
Some important points. 1) Being anti-vax is a choice. 2) It endangers the lives of the innocent. 3) It’s built on a pack of debunked lies.
Wow, that was like every episode of ANTM condensed into one short video.