twbb mark 2

I’m sorry about my fellow white posters over at The Root.

It just feels like women get drowned out in our own spaces, and then something like this comes out, and we find out at least one of our allies was against at least some of us all along.

I get it. It’s a “good” problem to have, and feels like sour grapes, but dreading how you spend more than half your waking hours is a shitty way to go through life.

So I have 2 different sources for knowing this guy is an absolute menace. My tween daughter is an actor and though we don’t live in LA, we’re there quite a bit. I have to be on the set with her at all times but there is so much down time, especially when she’s off doing a scene and I’m just sitting there for hours.

Now playing

Fuck Meryl Streep and fuck any famous person who acts like this guy is their bff without being mortified by the colossal prick he is. Nobody will do shit and good luck getting Hollywood elite to stand up against him (how MUCH do you want to bet the Michelle Williams and Jennifer Lawrences of this town will say

My Dad, who’d be in his early seventies right now, had female assistants and colleagues work for/with him all his life. Some were very attractive, some were not. He never made a passing comment about their gender, appearance, or sex appeal. He even protected an employee who was propositioned inappropriately by a much

I’d rather respect her privacy. Harvey is a sleazeball, I have zero qualms about respecting his. But you definitely know her.

Last year I was on a red-eye from LAX to JFK, in first class with the flat-bed seats. Harvey was in Row 1, and sitting across the aisle from me was a well-known young actress. Shortly after getting onboard, he changed into this jogging suit sort of thing that looked kind of like pajamas. He came over to the actress

I know I’m meant to be horrified by this government overreach, but sofar I haven’t read a story in which I would want the officials to act substantially differently. Could they be nicer? Sure. But do you really want an official investigating a baby with an unexplainable skull fracture to drop it? “Oh well! This 7

Oh, completely. All clad in that horrible shade of Power-Ranger pink. I spent my university years and early 20s trying not to scream “get out of way, some of us have places to be!”

Ugh is right. It seems like there’s no man odious enough to not have a woman in their life. Look at Steve bannon, newt gringich, etc etc.

Yeah, that’s a misguided criticism. There are real holes in Obamacare, and Democrats absolutely should work to fix them if there are any Republicans serious enough about governing to do so.

And boy, oh boy, did it put them on the map!

Heh, thanks, Cheeks, but I think I was just half shocked how awful people were being to Froggy. So much vitriol. We can all disagree but it is uncool to go out of your way to crush someone like that.

I think people don’t want to think about the fact that a lot, maybe most, of the human beings who are raising other human beings on this planet are not self-actualized people who have their own needs met.

Cleanliness is not next to godliness, regardless of the idiom. That so many people buy into that in 2017 is so, so stupid. There is nothing moral about being clean. For proof, see a whole wash of fastidious serial killers.

Nahh, that’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

You just take a deep breath, Froggy, sit down and dream about the glass of wine you can you have after Froggy Jr. is born. I just read all the responses and holy wow, you’re right, people are being shitty. But guess what? Like me they are a bunch of interweb randos who don’t really know you or your life. Don’t take

This plan makes as much sense as building monorails in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook.

I’d be interested to see if the supposed economic impact numbers these festivals allegedly generate are any more reflective of actual impact than the economic impact numbers bandied about in support of public funding for sports stadiums.