The evaluations here of Miller’s stability, morality, and ability are not accurate, based on talking to some people once who knew Miller when he was growing up and heard the stories.
The evaluations here of Miller’s stability, morality, and ability are not accurate, based on talking to some people once who knew Miller when he was growing up and heard the stories.
“Having a few drinks after work with men only relieves me off the burden of having to prove that nothing improper happened, even if nothing improper had happened.”
At least nowadays this kind of misogynistic trash gets instant pushback. It only took decades for the left to learn this lesson.
I think I would remember if I ever pursued a 14-year old girl as an adult. Kind of thing that sticks in one’s memory, I’d assume.
Makes sense. Hell, I’m in my 40s and I won’t remember most of the stuff I do to have fun NOW, but I still like to do it.
Yep, socially I think women’s only spaces are a great idea. But legally there’s no way to enforce that in most cases without hurting others down the road who don’t deserve it.
Yeah, it was a mistake for them to try to enforce it. Let them in, let them sit in the back (but don’t tell them they’re sitting in the back because they’re men), and wait until they leave in frustration because they’re not getting what they need.
The really crazy thing is that in 1956-7, McSorley’s was owned by a woman, who wouldn’t enter the bar herself (but would let them pass her a beer while she was outside).
Tenure varies widely depending on institution; some places it can come after as few as 2 years.
I probably would make a lousy federal district court judge, and I know what those things are and have done all the things he was asked about.
I’ll be honest; I feel bad for the guy. He’s going to be famous for this for the rest of his life. Yes, he should have known these things if he wanted to be a trial judge, but it would have been nice if he could have been weeded out in a less embarassing way.
The weirdest thing is some of them seem to be honestly puzzled if you say calling Catholics non-Christians is offensive.
Yeah, that’s the thing. I can sort-of respect the evangelical saying “I feel morally compelled to vote for whoever is more likely to outlaw abortion due to my spiritual beliefs.”
No, I like Warren but she is not an energizing speaker to anyone whose votes we need.
I believe while the United States Supreme Court allows an increased sentence after retrial, the California Supreme Court does not. But this is neither my area nor jurisdiction.
I love British murder mysteries, but I would only watch the Hallmark Channel if I were terminally ill, AND I knew the cure to whatever was killing me could be deciphered from clues in the shows.
“mulling over a return to her roots: The Hallmark Channel”
Oh, is that how it works? It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as there is an MRA commenter criticizing you you get absolved of blame?
Haunted isn’t a deal breaker for me, but aluminum/vinyl siding is. Ugh.