It also makes the world seem like an awful place when you get to hear about every single bad event on the planet. The good news really doesn’t make the news, because you don’t get clicks.
It also makes the world seem like an awful place when you get to hear about every single bad event on the planet. The good news really doesn’t make the news, because you don’t get clicks.
Wait, so they were “visiting a friend” when they noticed they were out of juice, and their friend wouldn’t let them leave the car there to charge?
My favorite part about the internet is that it allows you to enjoy every minor asshole from around the world, not just the nearby ones.
Joule thief!
Sir, it comes in Zeus Bronze Metallic, which is fancy brown:
But without Spy Kids Tracker, I won’t know when the next Spy Kid’s movie comes out.
You probably don’t need anyone to tell you this, Riley, but you shouldn’t feel bad about someone else’s personal experiences failing to resonate with you, especially when you put the effort in to open yourself to them. Sometimes your experiences won’t mesh well with their feelings, or at least how they express them,…
Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.
Waaaaaait a minute.
I think you’d also need to consider what the individual gamer is planning to do with the hardware. If you plan to play/raid competitively, then it follows that top-tier hardware does provide an advantage in that respect—but for standard gaming, there’s nothing in the world wrong with a console.
I mean, hell, there’s…
There once was an idiot from Limerick,
There’s a line I never thought I’d read in a Kotaku article.
So I probably shouldn’t have watched that video at work without headphones, got a ton of dirty looks from my coworkers. Not because of the sound, but because I was masturbating.
I get that you’re right but did you have to kill the man?!
Brands don’t create things, people do. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the original creators of Fallout, which they made while working at Interplay. They’re both now at Obsidian and leading development on The Outer Worlds.
I remember this! Her face-to-face interview spots were filmed in our FSAE shop. She helped build the car in the background. The in-class bit was during Dynamics--hell, I’m in the background.
It feels unreal. This tragedy couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Kat was just great to be around and I’m sad that I didn’t…
It’s 5 years old but, this is a great piece on Kat:
He looks like Darth Vader fucked a Dalek.