

You might want to start another blog to just cover racist Papa.

My guess is that she didn’t have GAP coverage, which is an expensive lesson. I can easily see a Kia like this losing half of the sales-price. Especially if the purchaser rolled-in some upside-down debt from a trade-in.

From a raid perspective it gets hard to read at some points, especially if you’ve got floating combat text. There’s something to be said that simple numbers help you get a sense of how the fight is going and how you’re performing.

Wait, the auto gets 26/35mpg for both years, yet the combined rating goes up to 30 mpg. Yet the manual goes from 26/33 to 26/34, yet maintains a 29mpg average????

Meh, you know they’ll just hit you up for new wiper blades, even if you don’t need them. That’s where they stick it to you.

Hmmm this seems like a good time to use that drive through lube places $9.99 oil change special coupon

This is why I’ll never own one. The only reason. No other reasons.

Deadspin has a responsibility to keep its readers up to date about fast-food family feuds, IMO

Front loading washer.

I’m actually a licensed adjuster...and I can tell you that will clients like this in scenarios like this...we just total it.

Papa John’s has evicted Papa John.

Okay, I’ll take a stab at it. Off the top of my head:

Huh... never would’ve expected Mustang-bashing from you

The sensors were actually so good they could detect the crowd standing behind the haybales.

Well. It is a Mustang at a car show after all.

Okay, who else read the headline and immediately thought Brooke Shields died?

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

I scrolled through this whole list and couldn’t see 45 used Geo Metros as an option.

They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.