
Ubisoft tries to have it both ways. ‘Oh it’s just a game!’ and they’re pretty open about admitting how they’ve modified the architecture a bit to make it easier to traverse, but in other pregame hype they also go on and on about how much research they’re put into making things accurate, so you get quotes like this:

I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.

This fucking thing’s been in exhaustive testing this entire time. Probably by more than one firm. How is this even possible?

I wonder if more people would read EULAs if they came in a form with a plainspeak version that references the full version and what subsection to find stuff in it.

He tried a hair dye-type thing where you grow out your hair and fill in the spots. It didn’t work and he continues to hear about it five years later. He’ll never do it again.

“Sometimes new learns push out the old stuff.”

Do you know what’ worse than typing bad comments?


why obscure his face when we can see his name on his shirt smh

Because it’s free and easy and the watermark is tiny and nobody really cares except for a few uptight people and in those cases you want the watermark there because it drives them nuts.

I hope Necrocasm eventually gets a Year 2 variant so I can kill Oryx with a weapon made from the corpse of his son.


Time to go egg Erin’s ship.... Oh wait.

When they said they would pray for them:

When I read that line of the EULA, I didn’t just walk away.

I wanted to buy the Carlton dance. But then I realized that everybody was going to use it. If something awesome gets released, I wouldn’t be shocked if I put a few bucks into silver. But probably not for emotes, because I can only equip one at a time. No point in me having 5 different ones since i’ll never switch

Now playing

I love poll posts! I’ll be interested to see what the numbers look like once the Destiny reddit community sees this, because I’ve seen a TON of people using Carlton (and a fair amount using slow clap), which are the two premium emotes. I have a feeling that the “yes” answer to the first question will bump up

It would probably be weird to fly around, but I’d try it, especially if he had the goofy voice ;)

My grandfather was a marine during WW2, and till the day he died he had nothing but praise for the M1 Garand, and he would talk about how it saved his life thanks to how reliable it was.

However, he said the ping was a huge downside. The enemy figured out the sound meant you had used your last bullet, so it could be a