
Googlenet has become self-aware.


"Man, I'm tired of riding. I'll hitch a ride with this guy, maybe he's going to my house."

I have no idea. I'm baffled by the whole thing. Most of her pictures are, like, her kissing her boyfriend!

Older generations always say that they are frightened of what the future will be like once younger generations they don't quite understand are in charge, but I have to say, the future is objectively frightening.

It's a bummer to see any game pirated. It hurts indies more, sure, but these developers all pour themselves into these games working ridiculous hours, sometimes under extremely poor conditions.

Living in Florida is like playing Outlast so it's only fitting.

It is important to show restraint when modding Skyrim. For instance choose the My Little Pony mod OR a nude mod, but don't do both at the same time... that just makes you weird.

Other honorable mentions:


About the same as it does inside.

You know what makes sense? When you punch a dude with a giant robot, he explodes. That makes pretty fuckin good sense to me.

How was Air Conditioning not even on the list? I don't even...

This isn't going to change. It's a hit-driven industry; the vast majority of games aren't going to recoup their development costs. What's truly scary–to me, anyway–is that this logic is going to hit the indie development scene soon, and it's going to hit hard. It's not going to be as newsworthy, because the studio

When's that new Dargon Ball Z game out?

one of my fav screens i took

Seriously, the one thing we shouldn't be fighting about is porn. Unless there was some sort of shortage of porn, that would be serious business and totally worth throwing things over.

What kind of world do we live in where we cant all gather round for our love of porn?