
I hate when this happens! GTA Online is one that is pretty bad about it. So is Destiny 1 & 2.

I’m picking one of each for my three guardians. I like those odds.

Yeah, I thought it was like 4 out of 400?

How many of these are accounts that have been compromised? Account gets used by someone who cheats. Unsuspecting player logs in and is told they are now banned, even though they haven’t cheated. That said, I would expect that Blizzard is already good at letting people know about unusual activity on a user’s account

Anyone remember the old Apple iSight and the SightLight that Griffin made for it? This reminds of that.

I miss being able to use my gear that I had worked hard to level up and have it actually make a difference. I usually wasn’t max level, so it was pretty cool when I took out those who were still higher than me. Getting max-level gear as rewards was icing on the cake.

Things that seem to have made a difference for me include the sub-classes leveling up much easier now, and not having to do any leveling of weapons/gear makes things just feel stupid easy.

I plan on playing on PC when it is released. I have played D1 on PS4 and Xbox since it came out, and I found I couldn’t resist getting the Xbox version of D2 while waiting for PC. Now, I’m glad I did.

Is it possible that people will eventually come back to D1 once they get burnt out with the new stuff? I’m at power level 260 and I’ve been playing for 5 days. It feels like I’ve gotten further along than I would have in the first one by now, but I’m also used to several DLCs worth of content. I just imagine that, one

YouTube is in the business to sell ads. The content doesn’t make itself.

I’ve been playing this game since day 1 (360 > PS4 > PC). Some of the shenanigans and chaos from modders can be humorous. Had a Ferris wheel fall out of the sky the other day and land in front of the Maze Bank tower. Having game-breaking amounts of money dumped into my account by a stranger has unexpected impacts like

I had to bail on my original Gmail address (from the original 1 GB invite days) because of this. Other people kept using it as their own address, and I got tired of getting stuff not meant for me (not spam but legit e-mails from other people, even work stuff).

2007 V6 Mustang “Heat Edition”

Cool! TIL I drive a unicorn! Yay!

Is it just me, or did they make it so the blood moon doesn’t have an effect while you’re in Hyrule Castle now? I had two of them while I was clearing everything out, and the cutscene didn’t play.

So they’re getting Koch-blocked?

40 hours in, and I’ve seen two glitches. One was Ignis standing up while driving, and the other was Gladio all stretched out and distorted in a pic of him riding a Chocobo. That was somewhat disturbing...

My PS4 manual had stuff from Knack throughout it, even though it didn’t come with the game. True, though, that is the extent of where I’ve seen Knack mentioned by Sony.

To be fair, he lists two different processors (an i5-6500 in the list of specs and an i7-6700K in the paragraphs above the specs), so not sure which one he actually used.

Still love ya, Mike!

P.S., Can my comments please no longer be gray? Anyone? Help?

Don’t care. Don’t care. Don’t care. Not listening to what you say. Lalalalalalala. Going to watch it anyway!