Alternately: why not?
Alternately: why not?
that’s one thing, but ‘I regret nothing’ is another.
I’m guessing you’ve never had someone whip their dick out and then beat off in a social or professional setting, without your consent. Is it assault? I’m not a lawyer. I’d feel assaulted. It’s more than your ’standard’ harassment, and I think it’s every bit as serious as it’s being treated.
How about we not agree “this is no big deal”. Don’t whip your penis out at work! She said she felt that she had to say yes to keep her job. That’s not consent. That’s not her saying she actually wanted to see a gross man masturbate in front of them. That’s someone reacting in fear, and he knew and took advantage of…
I’m glad I’m gray on this site so I can point out that you’re full of shit, sour shit which has clearly filled you right to your fingertips, where it is spilling out onto your keys. Her longstanding working relationship with CK is clear, and clearly laid out in the article. The statement was released via their mutual…
presumably they were all onside when the ball was kicked
To be blunt, I don’t respect someone who would say racist stuff because they had a bad night. That goes beyond awkwardness, especially when he does it again after someone tells him to stop.
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
He also hasn’t really bothered to make any amends, if I remember correctly.
What he did is inexcusable.
Still has Mark Wahlberg in that movie...
I agree, especially since you can get everything through normal gameplay, nothing affects actual gameplay, and events are brought back each year (with old skins even being cheaper). Sure, It’s clearly exploitative, but it’s honestly about the least bad way I can imagine loot boxes being implemented.
How do you define them as evil, though? Overwatch’s loot boxes contain purely cosmetic items.
I love the OW loot boxe system
Honestly, I find Overwatch’s loot boxes to be rather low on my offense scale, precisely because of their new-ish “no duplicates” rule, which means you can’t get duplicate items of any rarity unless you already own all items in said rarity.
Well, first of all because that means there IS a maximum amount of boxes…
Does anyone genuinely NOT believe Taylor Swift is not concerned with not getting the money of white supremacists?
Because this weekend was Blizzcon, with tons of news being released about a popular game. Would you prefer the next to no updates, like most weekends?