Yeah, after reading the initial article I had a..... interesting.... interaction with someone at twitch support on twitter. It’s not a pretty thread.
Yeah, after reading the initial article I had a..... interesting.... interaction with someone at twitch support on twitter. It’s not a pretty thread.
Same thing happened to my girlfriend. She was just starting to really get into streaming and was enjoying it. Then suddenly she started being a target of raids, people throwing all kinds of slurs, telling her to kill herself and all sorts of things. Because she didn’t have a ton of viewers, these people became the…
Chances are if you worked at WalMart and got arrested, theyd simply fire you and never think about it again. At will employment means they can fire you for any reason they want. You don’t have a contract or collectively bargained rights as a WalMart employee.
I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?
If this is something you are willing to hear from me in person please call, or send me a note and I’ll call you.
This is at least a somewhat well worded email that apologizes without reservation.
Poll: Half of Republicans are morons.
Irish usually use those terms for Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Baltimore, St. Louis and America.
I’ll also add a vote for the plain-jane Kirkland Olive Oil. I use quite a bit of it in cooking (ie, with *everything* I cook, so it’s literally in breakfast and dinner, and sometimes lunch), and it’s just a good, simple, relatively inexpensive olive oil. And plain olive oil has a higher smoke point than extra…
I’ll also add a vote for the plain-jane Kirkland Olive Oil. I use quite a bit of it in cooking (ie, with…
Costco Kirkland Organic EV. Delicious, light, aromatic, and... inexpensive. Validated by UC Davis as authentic extra virgin, as opposed to all the other national (non-boutique) brands in the test.
Costco Kirkland Organic EV. Delicious, light, aromatic, and... inexpensive. Validated by UC Davis as authentic…
Costco’s Kirkland-branded EVOO: great taste; amazing value; and tests show that it’s one of the few brands sold in the US that consistently meets the IOC/USDA definitions for “extra virgin”. It’s not as good as the stuff my uncle makes in Lebanon that I pack in my suitcase every time I visit, but that you can’t really…
Costco’s Kirkland-branded EVOO: great taste; amazing value; and tests show that it’s one of the few brands sold in…
Also, this.
This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.
I can kinda understand trying to queue up with a streamer you are a genuine fan of...its kinda like standing in the back of a venue waiting for that moment the performer makes their way to their bus/vehicle.
I didn’t realize how huge this group is with the tween set. I’m embarrassed for my 11-year old niece because now she will forever get to say that Pentatonix was her first concert. I’m so glad I get to say that David Bowie was the first concert I went to.
They literally destroyed her successful business; it’s not completely unbelievable that a previously in demand wedding photog could have pulled in that amount in the couple of years since the wedding, not to mention emotional damages.
That’s entirely false. Copperheads are very willing to bite. Every snake fact site in the world will tell you.
Seriously, I advocate against killing and paid some guy a couple of hundred dollars to “relocate” 6 or 7 skunks, moving them from under my cabin to somewhere out in the nearby forest. But I would kill a pack of poisonous snakes that had taken up residence under the house, just like this brave old lady. Aren’t…