
Uh... There’s nothing wrong with NIN’s Hurt.

Ever noticed how basically every motherfucker you know has been or is going to Iceland?

Yeah but Dick Cheney has never lived in Iceland, so that’s HUGE factor in choosing it over Wyoming.

Very true, BUT in a state with such a high cost of living your base pay is pretty damn important. It doesn’t matter how much any employer matches your 401k if you can’t afford food after you pay your rent.

Lol, you like weekends, buddy? Go thank your nearest labor union

The only reason non-union employers have similar wages and benefits to union employers is because they have to in order to draw the labor. That’s one of the side perks of unions: They keep other employers honest, too.

Youtube as a whole is far bigger and more powerful than any of them or even all of them combined, because of exactly what you just said, anyone can post a video and get recognition. For every star, there are thousands upon thousands willing to take their place and play according to Youtube’s rules. On the other hand,

This seems like a bit of a reach. Youtube was doing just fine before any of these dipshits showed up; they may have fostered more of a community, but Youtube would be just fine without these guys. Empirically, I use Youtube for funny videos and music to listen to at work, and the occasional video to watch while under

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

I’m a firm believer that one can get away with a lot of raunchy jokes if they’re told well. I mean look at It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, they’ve pulled off a lot of really offensive jokes through using the context that the protagonists are horrible people. The problem with Pewdiepie’s joke was that the context of

“We collectively, as YouTubers, have built this thing. It is ours, not theirs.”

And it’s not just OSHA that’s concerned about excavation, considerd one of the most hazardous construction operations.

Depends on what permitted means doesn’t it? Permitted can mean allowed, or in construction jargon, it means building permits have been issued. As of now, it is not permitted, as in has no permit, which by default means he’s not permitted, as in allowed, to build it even if the State would otherwise allow it’s

Yeah, I fail to see the point of this blog. I like that they’re writing about someone who’s (I assume) not well known in the US, but this is stupid. She works in film FFS. She likes to watch movies in peace and quiet, what’s the problem here?

Really scraping the barrel to come up with this snark of the day, aren’t you. How dare she not want to drink and eat while in a cinema, that loathsome Frenchwoman. You missed mentioning that she never showers, like loathsome French people are wont to.

1 anectode > scientific study with more than 2,000 subjects

There is no such thing as a sjw. There are the enlightened and informed who want equality . Then there are the ignorant bigots that want the world to be like it was 70 years ago.

The way people are head-hunting anyone who isnt lockstep with social justice is getting out of hand. 

every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective

“But it’s always been a learning and growing experience for me...this whole situation has definitely been that for me. It’s something that I’m going to keep in mind going forward.”

Well, I certainly hope so. But it seems that every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective, as