
Please...your validation...I need it

Khan, who voted for Donald Trump, is himself Muslim. He told the New York Times he had expected Trump to be more moderate upon entering office and praised the court system for blocking the ban.

He’s a fucking idiot if he didn’t anticipate this. Fuck him and his shitty team and any other ass who voted for that cunt.

Trump is Commander in Chief? Trump approved the raid?

I think the point is that our opponents not only were players that had also never played together before, but in most cases hadn’t ever played a single international game at all, and our much more seasoned team, such as it is, didn’t even look remotely superior to those guys. Not to say an unimpressive friendly tie is

Really? Really? They’re inconvenienced an hour. There are families fleeing war. Families seeking a new beginning or joining families already here. And you’re thinking of the poor other people that gotta wait an hour or take a bus/train. Get some fucking perspective.

Humanity and compassion should trump profits every so often.

We’re actually having a great traffic month if anyone is curious.

See you tomorrow.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

When more people actually voted for your opponent, it’s hard to rally the proverbial troops under the banner of “look how much support I have!”

I’ve used D.Va quite a bit and she’s been consistently a safe choice for doing well since they last buffed her. People are salty about it but lets be real, Jeff’s right in stating she does too much. Total case of having your cake and eating it too.

Now playing

I watched your name some time after Kotaku posted a list of the top ten most successful anime movies in Japan - It’s really great, I enjoyed it soo much! Especially the soundtrack fit in wonderfully into how the scenes were cut.

I am a hard-core Giants fan, but I have a dirty secret: I hate OBJ.

The Crown (uh, OK?)

The Crown is amazing TV and I’m taken aback by the ambivalence towards it.

Produce your BC diploma or the three box tops you sent in to get it or your take has no credibility.

Hi Grayson!

so you kick your leg out to get your balance? yeah that makes sense