You know what happens when you assume? You end up wrong about Internet commenters you’ve never met and you create a PR disaster for your account.
That’s irresponsible. A writer should be intimately familiar with the account they’re working on.
Life finds a way.
You sound like a barrel full of fun.
if they secede again, maybe we should let ‘em go
And yet when a murderer spouts the same things word for word, they claim he’s not “one of us.”
Jeez. These people are working so hard to not acknowledge the violence of their beliefs.
The Stormfronters are somehow blaming this on the liberal media and are suggesting the apartheid and Rhodesia patches on his jacket were photoshopped. Their delusion is dizzying.
Yeah so um maybe watch the movie.
lol @ “moved to NYC”
Just another example of how thug culture has poisoned America. When the family falls apart, felons roam free.
What does this mean for games that won’t run that have been purchased months ago?
Marvel disrespecting Jack Kirby? GASP! Why, I never!
If that’s true, I need to read more Pynchon.
Inherent Vice?
Not sure this woman’s financial status, but this seems relevant.
Ball Carp?
Nothing more Coachella than matzo made from wheat watched nonstop by rabbis.