The more I hear about that site, the more I'm happy I only tried it in a minor way once. Is it a waste of time or was that an aberration?
The more I hear about that site, the more I'm happy I only tried it in a minor way once. Is it a waste of time or was that an aberration?
Hi all,
My daughter had two "face plants" onto concrete sidewalks - once as a toddler and once a few years later. It's like she didn't develop the reflex to put her hands out to break a fall. She had road rash and one of the times a sizeable bump on her forehead. Felt terrible both times but I couldn't have prevented either…
Maneki, I second a lot of the advice here. Start plotting your separation like yesterday and make sure others you love and trust are lined up to help you with logistics. You need to move him out or move our yourself, after talking to a lawyer.
My dad's not around anymore also, I feel you.
Take the job and hire a nanny / au pair when you become pregnant. (BTW it took me 2 1/2 years to conceive, so this may not happen as quickly as you think, ymmv.)
I hope someone responds with some good suggestions. My girl is turning 10 this year and whenever I recall some of the shit I dealt with as a pre-teen/teenager part of my brain starts yelling "LA LA LA I can't hear you! "
YAY stinalee. Keep on keepin' on.
NYC coffee cart guys are awesome. Nothing like stumbling out of my friend's apartment for a $1 mega-hot coffee and a friendly smile.
This question comes up in advice columns a lot. People don't agree on what to do. Some suggest telling the one cheating that you know they are doing it. No blackmail innuendo, just, I know what you are doing and your wife deserves better. Personally, I'd try inching out some information from my friend about her…
I was placed on a "permanent leave of absence" for speaking with a British accent at my supermarket-cashier job.
My prom story isn't going to win any contests, but I am still bemused by it.
OMG I forgot this one!
The girl next door, who was about 5 at the time, said her arm was lopped off but grew back.
Good suggestion, I've always had 2 kitties, not just one.
1. Kittens are insane (mostly in the best possible ways.) If you have curtains they will climb up them. If you leave drawers open, they will climb in. They will possibly jump on your head from the 8 foot high bookcase that you never thought something weighing 4 pounds could reach. Think of them as 4 legged toddlers,…
As the mother of a 9 year old, I'd say take the 9 year old with you. Start the restraining order type things, but don't leave the 9 year old behind regardless. I know you are only 22 but you know from experience what this shit does to people.
I'm looking at the bright side here: when the food distribution chain breaks down we'll have a ready food source. You're welcome.
I'm really sorry this happened. Your brother might benefit by going to some meetings, or to a suicide survivor group. Logically I'm sure he knows that it was best to break it off, but emotionally it must be very hard.
This is awesome. I worry about this everyday, more that because I restrict "screen time" my daughter will be socially ostracized. In 4th grade, I already see it happening - entire friendships based on Minecraft.