
While you eat childcare costs, the child(ren) eventually goes to school and then both partners have a career. Thinking long-term, it may be more beneficial for both to keep working. Particularly if one of the parents dies, or someone becomes unable to work (illness/disability/accident), or divorce. When you stay

The court can garnish their wages or income. Of course if they have neither...


Ugh. Well, I guess the company could be sold...but I realize you've all probably been over this with a fine tooth comb. Sorry for your mom.

This is what court-ordered support is for, correct? You go to the courthouse and file. If my then-23 year old friend could do it to get money from her lame-ass ex-boyfriend-construction-worker, can your mom? Just wondering.

If you sincerely want to marry, marry. Any outside pressure disregard. The ring? Get a couple of gold bands. If you make some money later you can ask for an engagement ring.

You're right. As a sometimes working, sometimes SAHM, I was unprepared for the amount of crap women dump on each other over that. It's supposed to be about choice, if you have a choice.

I understand. It's crappy when your family doesn't give you want you need, love and support. I got a lot of that too and learned to hang up or delete emails. The minute they start in on you, say I'm not going to listen to this, state something reasonable that you want but stop with the character assassination.

Make a family of your own. Not get married have a lot of babies, but make friends, be honest about your situation, and cobble something together. As for the family, stop answering calls, emails. You can try telling them how you feel they treat you, but don't expect them to get it. Set boundaries (I won't come w/o

I'm glad you have a nanny coming.


I refuse to admit Disney into the house in any manner (Disney of the last 20 years I should say) for that exact reason. The princesses all look like Barbie dolls, seem to be interchangeable body-wise, and are in need of "saving". Drives me crazy.

Excellent girl protagonist (there are 2 female heroes!) series just screaming to be introduced in cinematic form or tv series format: The Sisters Grimm.

You have to make a conscious decision to not follow the bad example. Your partner does as well if their family wasn't happy also. It takes work but it can be done.

I finally stopped coloring my hair recently, and am blessed with a lovely white skunk stripe right at the front. Gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

My toxic friend experience is someone who is negative largely all the time, has nothing good to say about anything, and complains incessantly. And talks shit about people. You end up wondering what they're saying about you behind your back. Have had to dump two people for that. When you start dreading seeing them,

I went to prom with an ex-boyfriend, his girlfriend was out of town for some band thing, and he proceeded to take me to every makeout spot in town. He did not make any moves, and I was definitely not going to diss my friend (his girlfriend) like that. And she knew it! That was the only "date" I had in high school.

I too loved high school, and have wondered if I am seriously weird for that. Almost everyone I've talked to hated it. I was a floater who had a lot of friends from every "category" and while I was aware of the various crap that went on, was blissfully unaffected by said crap, largely. Could have benefitted from

Sex comes in every variety...I do not like it (as much) with condoms. Nosiree.

If he has sleep apnea the general course of action is a CPAP machine. There is also a new device called Provent. If he has a doctor, the doctor could refer him to a sleep clinic, as far as I know a sleep study is done before recommending these devices.