This one made me shiver.
I can't vouch for the veracity of this story, but my friend swears it's true. Her mother is of Irish heritage. For years, her mother had this occuring dream of wandering in an orchard, and next to the orchard was an old-timey, Masterpiece Theatre-y stone cottage. Then her mother went on a vacation in Ireland. She…
Yes. Uh huh.
Not a movie, but Masterpiece Theater Foyle's War. People seemed to be more put together in WWII era Britain. Stay calm and carry on Jezzies. Alas, I only have about 6 oz of madeira.
Jenny Webb has the best job evah. Sooo jealous.
I'm kinda glad these types are speaking up so that there is no doubt about the retrograde mush that's in their heads.
I'm kinda glad these types are speaking up so that there is no doubt about the retrograde mush that's in their heads.
Oh, and why? The "owl" looks really, really lonely to me.
this is beautiful. I want to take this guy clubbing.
someone's got to match this video to the Black Keys's "Lonely Boy".
I thought the young woman in Pakistan survived?
I agree with you on the subject of taking photos without consent. That includes paparazzi pics.
My brother-in-law was a officer in the Marines. He told a lot of stories of how he had to reprimand and more the guys under his command whenever they returned from a night out - they were the worst, cat-calling, being overly agressive with women and other jerky, creepy behavior. He was disgusted by them. So no, the…
I am completely for banning photos taken without consent, generally. (I would not have a problem with passerbys accidentally in a shot taken by a journalist covering a news item.) This goes as well for papparazzi shots taken of well-known people that deprives them of trying to live an ordinary life - go out…
Looking is not the same as taking a photo.
Reddit has already hidden it again. The "already have" link above doesn't go to the creepshots anymore. Slimey subterreanean jerks who can't date or relate to women like people so have to creep around taking creepy pics of what they will never ever have if they creepily keep up the creepiness. Did I say they were…
How does one figure out who someone is that is posting on reddit? I have no mad tech skills. Anyone want to post a primer? Like figuring out which IP address someone is sending from, or seeing the name listed with the email? How is this done generally, for any site that allows people to post comments?