
@mykalt45: Sort of will be in the future. Stay tuned.

@Rapture Rising: Oh my god. It looks like a human battery from the Matrix.

I really hate Lexuses (Lexus', Lexusi,?) But, I like that white one they show.

@Link2187: Yep, good rule of thumb.

@bigcamcrsx: It is supposedly out of their range. That is unless they have a Jericho missle and have already captured Tony Stark.

@25toLife: "What happened to discretion? But, seriously.. This is a non-smoking section sir."

@SWarnock: oh okay.. Maybe the Talibani's still have a stock of stinger missles they got from CIA.

COo!! I will make one of these to put over my bed for the Sexy Time!!!

That seems cool. But, I hate people walking around with bluetooth headsets. They look like a chimp in a suit to me.

uhhhh..... RPG?

@Inevergiveup: I was thinking the same thing.. "its a rigid air ship"

This is funny as HELL!!!!! Oh my god. This is great!! I want to see a whole theater wearing these contraptions. That would be funny.

I always hated Asian toilets. I had to live there for a year; not cool.

Poor dude.

@Itsmrmarlboroman2u: that is interesting. So... you are helping them out and they complain about your soap?

I use soap and water because that equals "sexy time".

I like this guy. Cool idea. Great execution!!

How much for a bar?

@rjdub: Yup, that's the one!

This reminds me of a Flight of the Conchordes episode.