I am a consultant for a software company that does iOS apps. It is scary how much information Apple gives us about the customer. We know everything the customer has (ever) done on their device. This includes their browsing history.
I am a consultant for a software company that does iOS apps. It is scary how much information Apple gives us about the customer. We know everything the customer has (ever) done on their device. This includes their browsing history.
@thebrainsquid: No it wouldn't.. You must be hungry. Come on. Let's grab a Gyro.
@Syntax Error: Yeah I know. We need to get more creative with our touchscreen, accelerometer, and gyroscope manipulation.
@thebrainsquid: No, I talked about the point. Which was the fact that you can't see your screen with big dumb thumbs in the way.
@thebrainsquid: I know right? I thought it was just me. I like games where you have little interaction with the screen. Now, I have fun with that gyro.
@hhhtseng: All my iPhone games are 3D (i.e. use 3D processor). Technically I would think more battery usage than 2D.
@baldbeaver: I am you ... and you are me ... (don't tell Mr. Whispering Eye)
@baldbeaver: OH, sorry should have seen your screen name. Yes Mr. Bald Beaver she is hotness (from the lips down). She might not actually have a top of the head. She could be like a lips and down model. lol.
@tw@t: Well actually, now that I think about it. Macgruber would just use the celery stick which is already in his arse. Simple. I think he is more prepared actually. Cue the Mazda Miata.
@baldbeaver: Macgyver would simply take the empty tube, separate the layers of cardboard from eachother, crumble the layer, open it flat, crumble again rubbing it against itself until it is soft as kleenex. He would repeat this process with the other layers he peeled and then take care of his "business".
It looks like a groovy version of my snake board that I bought in London.
Gonna need some help to read this. Brain hurts from NyQuil.
@hilikusopus: Those looked like canned looks. As if she didn't know it was video medium being recorded versus photo.
@Nicholas Gann: I personally like the aliens explanation. Now.... let's talk about the pyramids.
Until someone gets hit by a car.
Sometimes I band out whole words just by slamming my hands on the keyboard. It is the only fun I get to have in my sad little cubicle.
Ah crap!! I am the guy who murders keyboards. I am proud of it. I have really strong mashers.
@Pop-Fop: I used to always travel with a leatherman on my keychain. I had gotten by for years going in and out of Atlanta airport never thinking much of it until I flew out of Houston where it got taken away.
Solar powered? Ah, that is only OK. I thought this guy was taking advantage of his handicap and installed stairs on his chair as a service to others.
Those are 22LR rounds. Ah! I get it. that is just a static "dummy" picture as no one got an actual photo of the real magazine.