
@Calrekabooki: Maybe the hobo spray is visible and smells?

@bruceleroy99: very interesting. I thought I just saw ice chips pop out. To me it didn't seem like a bullet.

Now he can actually use the term "tastes like Sh!t" and really mean it.

Watching people's thumbs play a touchscreen game is very eerie to me; it is akin to watching a handless person use their stumps at an ATM.

And yet only one hundred years behind the rest of the world.

Red contains two holes; one of which I think is actual bullet impact from shot in video.

@theroselli: have you played modern combat 2 on the iphone? It is addictive and extremely playable.

Don't do drugs.

@mnerd: You outdid sh!t. And, the fact that you think "outdoing" on a blog comment is something worth patting yourself on the back still justifies my point of you having no life.

@treefiftyz: Wow, no humor in you. That is fine, stick with the computer; you'll make friends one day.

@mnerd: Close, but not really.

attach it to a 747 and really get their blood pumping.

@abeeee: Heck, even their bong matches.

Holy crap!! They bought out an entire demo living room from IKEA. Not like there is anything wrong with that.

@MaNiFeX: Yep, that was exactly what I was thinking.

@MaNiFeX: Ah I get it. I am flagged too. I know. That is why I can only handle an item once.

There is a saying about this "don't eat where you sh!t"

There is nothing Mondo about this.

That is the funniest thing I saw all day. Hey, maybe he finally gets to walk afterwards.