
@Curves: i was trying to figure out what that was; a thong.

so.. ahem. when are we going to find Hoffa??

that is one mega boob in the drawing. i got to say.. i am actually turned on.

when do we get this?

if my company gets bought out by google this is what i would build.

@bdkennedy1002: i sent them a message to delete my neighbors house. i don't quite like them.

@s8ist: AHH I didn't even realize how small the bike was until you said something. good eye!! and yes, I would assume gnomes suffer drug addictions too. I mean, they are gnomes.

OK, so while he is at it he should mount a small 7"w display under the windshield, add an accelerometer to an arduino that translates as mouse movement to PC, some speakers (special one in tailpipe), encoders to brake and throttle and why not clutch as well and play one heck of an arcade game.

@DrGonzho: I am also known as the Sh!t Bomber at home too! Doctors don't believe me when I say that I "bombed" out several restrooms in one day.

@Voldy1: Yeah, I am grammatically challenged. :)

@Cheetah Eldrick Woods: NICE!!! So I would assume that he sends fruit basket before the bikini wax. lol.

There goes our "Games Don't Promote Violence" campaign.

@tw@t: meanwhile they are waiting for their matching iphone.

@Buzz Mega: ah you beat me to it. NICE!!

cell phones don't normally jingle. just an observation. I guess you could say it is your ringtone and pretend to answer it while change starts falling to the ground. Or better yet. They should make a tazer that looks like a cell phone.

there was a long delay to get the white building. but they finally got it!

@angstman: If it were 15K to buy I think that is good deal. I would live in one.

@angstman: when i was in army we crapped in garbage bags. i guess this is no more?

I am the Sh!T Bomber!! I don't care how nice the toilets are; they will (all) be smacked with concrete hard crap pieces.