
Does anyone have any experience with ketamine therapy for depression and PTSD? It sounds promising and I’ll be talking to someone from a clinic that does it here next week. My therapist only knows what she’s read in journals. She’s going to talk to some colleagues and see if she can glean more info also. It sounds

No shit on the bargain (and I live in NEBRASKA for shits sake). Meat is so expensive right now, so when I saw them I snapped them up. Thanks for the tip!

“Let’s make a chocolate bar that fits in everyone’s jacket pocket without breaking and weighs the same as a normal long bar,” she is supposed to have said (although in German).

You watch one Hamilton video all the way through and you are suddenly in Hamilton Tok

If you’re getting molested by a hyena you have much more pressing issues to deal with than whether it is a male or female.

Well if only he’d been wearing a mask, the pepper spray wouldn’t have hurt as much.

We have been eating a version of this for at least 30 years in my family. But, I’m embarassed say, we know it as chinese salad. Our version uses just cabbage, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, crushed ramen, and the dressing, and we are pretty evenly divided on weather it tastes better the first day, or after the

Brooklyn, if your family is complete, run, don’t walk to your gynecologist and ask for an endometrial ablation. I went through some similar experiences in my 40s-heavy periods, large clots, to the point where I was wearing both super tampons and overnight pads and was still soaking through within an hour. When i got

She believes the store is large enough—16,000 square feet—to allow for a few exceptions, like customers who claim they’re physically unable to tolerate a mask or workers who need a small break during or six- or eight-hour shifts as long as they keep their distance from other people.

Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying they were on your cognitive test?

This article is missing just the most spectacular gif I found on their website

I am starting to wonder if they aren’t divorced in part because she wants to stay his next of kin—with his mother gone, I don’t think he has any other close family that could try to help him when he’s like this or have power of attorney if he does get committed. I’m sure whatever hangers-on he has that enabled that

54 year old man, Andy Cohen, spends all of his time talking about the Housewives as if that is the most important thing happening in the world.

How fucking long did it take them to do that?! And how were they gonna get the coke out? 

US Coin Taskforce also sounds like one of those companies that sells those crappy collector coins.

Apparently, the orange pile of guano is threatening to send the thugs to Chicago next. Now where’s my bike helmet?

There is (was?) a fast-casual arepa restaurant chain in NYC that seemed to be just gaining a good foothold when the shutdown happened. (Think Venezuelan Chipotle.) Their arepas were pre-made and reheated to order, so they were really dry, but their fillings and sauces could also be made into a grain or salad bowl.

Strep throat in Ireland late 80's.  8 pounds covered the doctor visit and the antibiotics.  Fuck American healthcare.

I left the UK for China over 25 years’ ago, expecting to be away for three years. Now on my fourth country and have still not made it home. What’s hard?