Not strictly true, considering that 50-ish white men are sometimes British journalists, and/or awful racists with loud mouths.
Not strictly true, considering that 50-ish white men are sometimes British journalists, and/or awful racists with loud mouths.
We love every kind of cheese, with the exception of velveeta. It has its place in the world, but it’ll never be featured in our of our prominent grocery store cheese cases.
They have all kinds of cheese in Wisconsin. Simple to super fancy. They take it very seriously.
I wonder what the texture will be like - 5 year cheddar, for instance, tends to be more crumbly and have those crystallized bits, I can only imagine what a 20-year would turn into.
Some people may be into this for the gore but I’m in it for the satisfaction. Seeing a doctor execute immediate and visible results to cure people of obvious disfigurement is deeply satisfying. So much of modern medicine is fractional in its path to a cure. She takes obvious joy in the new challenges provided by…
Am I blind, or is there not actually a link to Drew's referenced article above?
I’m changing my name to Snack Drawer.
Oprah didn’t break the House of Windsor. Gayle, however, would get deadly earnest with Harry, demanding honesty: “Henry! Henry. Henry, sit down.”
Not all of us can unhinge our jaws.
Sounds like you guys need to start sharing square loaves like ciabatta.
On LI the Sicilian is the thicker crust. Grandma is the thin crust. It is a little “fried” I think they oil the tray it’s baked in so the crust is a little crispier.
Goya is the motherlode. Also Gamesa.
The best bite on a triangular pizza slice is the first, the point. On a square cut pizza slice you get anywhere from two to four non-crust point bites, meaning that tavern cut is at minimum 200% better than triangle. Suck it, east coasters.
I’m from Long Island and we have Grandma style which is a square pie, square cut and is quite popular and tasty.
In my experience, a Kedem biscuit needs to be speed-dunked, whereas a real digestive can typically last for a count of about two seconds.
I second Maria’s. They are very tasty. They’re also the basis for a common Mexican refrigerator cake that layers Maria’s cookies with softened ice cream in a deep dish then refrozen before serving. It’s one of my absolute favorite desserts.
The AP Style Guide should be updated to say that bloggers must always specify which Michelle Williams they’re writing about
They hold up great in a milk dunk, but hot drinks are their mortal enemy.
You might also want to check out Maria crackers/cookies. Similar flavor, also cheap. They’re thinner, I think. Love them spread with tiramisu-flavored mascarpone (can only find at the Italian market)