
The Warmth of Other Suns is so good.

goddammit, I really wanted this film to be good (if for no other reason than wypipo really need to learn about the Green Book, as just one example of how treacherous traveling in the US was for POC back then. After learning that, white dudes seeing the great big open road and going on an adventure [in my case, reading

She won’t be homeless. She’s had hundreds of offers from people who want to give her a place to stay and she’s said she’s figured something out. I emailed her campaign today to ask if they were looking for any staff members in DC and offered up a spare bedroom in my DC home if any of her transition staff needed a

But that is not all she is about

i get those same cramps in my shins (i am lucky enough to walk to and from work) and they usually show up when it’s a brand new pair of sneakers or it’s after the weekend where i haven’t done much walking. it had to be from your shoes, your feet were gripping them differently than they are used to so you were using

I can’t stand Nicki.

Perhaps only tangentially related to Chip & Jo*, after stretching in bed I had weird cramps along my shin bones last night, like a charlie horse in the calf, but not quite as terrible, and in front. They took their time going away but the area feels fine now. I blame walking on hard surfaces in my super slippery

Fixer Upper is the only show I’ll sit and watch when I’m visiting my folks and they have HGTV on almost constantly. I used to not really care for the Gaineses but they grew on me. “Cuhhh-STAN-Za”.

They better not let these fucking people shiplap over DIY Network. Renovation Realities and First Time Flippers are way better than some white country kitchen, big clock nonsense from the Gainsesess.

he is doing heart , love 

What... what??? whatishedoing.

I do have a Trader Joe’s nearby. I also get the Cafe Bustelo individual packs like those at the Mexican grocery where I get conchas.

It looks perfectly delicious to me.

I was super scared of Tim Curry as a kid (I think from Fern Gully). The pigeon lady is the best character in the second one. 

Fennel’s great- an easy way to try it is to get some, slice the bulb like an onion, and spread those slices on the bottom of a roasting pan along with some thin orange slices, then put a nice piece of salmon on top of it all. Top the salmon with some olive oil and those little green bits at the top of the fennel, then

The chef’s knife is fine for disassembling a turkey and slicing the meat.  A SHARP knife is what you want to have.

i used to loathe black licorice. about ten years ago, in my late 30s, i visited australia and one of our hosts popped into an upscale candy shop while we were doing some touristy shopping/sightseeing stuff. she comes out clutching a bag of chocolates and insists we have to try one - turns out they were

A former co-worker brought her daughter (8 at the time) to work awhile ago and she tried straight up licorice (I think it was good-n-plenty). She ran to the trashcan to spit it out. She said it tasted like ink. I asked her how did she know what ink tasted like? She said she doesn’t, but she’d bet it would taste

I learned in school many years ago that if there is no anise, then it is not licorice.