Do I have the right shaped head for, well, such a short haircut?
Do I have the right shaped head for, well, such a short haircut?
And please fucking provide a trashcan. One with a lid, preferably.
Maybe this is an elaborate smokescreen? She may have no attraction for Diplo and is just feeding media this story to get off her back? Especially since she has a kid now.
What, like, you couldn’t have read her book..where she talks about her life’s struggles?
Splitting assets is a hassle and likely to put us both in the poor house.
Most Italians use a wooden fork. It took me the longest time to find my mom one in the states.
Wow, I feel so dumb. When the contestant said chicken, I didn’t put Popeye and Popeye’s together! But I did know the correct answer was spinach.
10/10, would wear. Walking around with a blanket on you?! Yes, please.
Wow, Jenny Slate as a back up singer in her one and only SNL show appearance?
Even cheaper (and you can steal a few from the office): page protectors.
Mouthwash leaves it
Or turn off the water and flush.
YMMV but I grew up on LI (notice I said “on”) and I didn’t have my first eponymous iced tea until I visited Albany! I think you’ll find that’s true about many local specialties.
was former presidential hopeful Julián Castro and not just some random doppelgänger
I am infamous for going to friends’ houses and rotating their plants 180 degrees. I DGAF if they care or notice. It’s so the plant gets even 360° exposure to the sun and grows evenly. Same with ice cream cones. You gotta lick it all the way around.
I had a dream I went into a store (it may have been British) and I saw Altoids being sold in bulk, by the pound. Why must I buy a new tin just to get new mints? I have a perfectly nice empty tin ready to refill.
An apple or a banana with nut butter is good and will make you feel fuller for longer. So will fruit mixed with cheese or nuts or roasted chickpeas, or even whole-wheat crackers or a wrap or rice cakes