
Lemme shoot u an email. pew! pew! looollllzz GET IT?... get it?? aww nevermind...

Missiles always make me sad because, despite the fact that they're killing machines, all the multi-million dollar, high-tech computer systems put on board only meant to be destroyed when it detonates...

patent that ish!!

Open source for iPhone!!

That's why he said use an incognito window.

Now I want a donut. thanks...

Well they certainly have the money to make it.

I'm moving to Antartica. You with me?

Spoofing All my MACs now... (if it's not too late)

Ugh :/

"standing in front of a car he probably will never have to chance to see or touch again"

Apple computers can barely even work with PC's or any other human technology for that matter, so how the heck can they control an alien mothership??

Finally! the perfect wallpaper!! My quest is complete.

No, wait... Sim WAR!! Am I on to something or what! This is gonna be the next big thing...

How it helps when you've gotta number 2 you say? One word, diarrhea!!

They haven't told us about the F-45...

chick on the left at 1:56 is a foxx!! :-)

like what?
