
@amnesiac: or you could mute them and save yourself some money

@Drevend: I thought he was saying popups lol

@riotartsquad: No man, I agree that the ps3 is actually very powerful. I have one and love it! I just don't see how they could possibly fit all that power in a handheld device. I am not a ps3 nonbeliever! lol


ps3 powerful? I doubt it

An apple a day takes your dollars away...

@sas281gt: hah! it's disgusting isn't it?

I can do this no problem in Grand Theft Auto IV lol

It's a proven fact, the black guy always is the first to go.

i'm downloading this!

sure they're not your cookies, sure...

Haha look at the end! maybe humanity has a chance after all!

@Jaamlid: yeah, good luck lugging a giant electron microscope in class and hiding it under your jacket so you can read your hair. lol